Sayyid, on 04 January 2013 - 06:48 AM, said:
If you read more than the rulebooks you would see that custom mechs are rarer than a modern fighter ace in a Pornstar convention. I can name a handful of custom mechs in the Battletech world.
Kai Allard-Liao's Yen Lo Wang
Takisha Kurita's Dragon which is actually a Grand Dragon and thus not custom.
Custom mechs were STUPID expensive and not common, here they are in every match, and are mostly 95% of the mechs in those matches.
I find it interesting that those who defend PGI's implementation of non-TT ECM so vehemently are often also those who wouldn't have their mechs any other way than 100% full customization as per TT rules. The arguments I have with them remind me of the arguments I've had with people quoting one verse of Leviticus, but ignoring the rest.
Edited by Kaijin, 04 January 2013 - 07:03 AM.