wanderer, on 06 December 2012 - 07:58 AM, said:
Except, you know that if it's on one of those light 'Mechs, keeping a TAG beam on it long enough to actually fire LRMs is impossible. Remember, you have to:
1) Get TAG on the target.
2) Get lock-on.
3) Fire.
4) Keep TAG on the target the entire way in- at 450 meters, that's at least 3 seconds.
5) If you lose TAG even for a fraction of a second, revert to 1) and any missiles in the air will lose tracking and miss completely.
Considering how much trouble it is to even keep a normal laser on target for the full duration of far less time when targeting a light, do you seriously think TAG is a reasonable "anti-ECM" system?
Have you actually, you know, TRIED it? Cuz Stanadard Legion practice is to have ALL LRM carrier have their own TAG, and any Spotter Mechs doing the same. We never have trouble with it be it 8 man or 4 man groups. Can't claim 100% wins or anything, but it just made us step up our game.
G Land, on 06 December 2012 - 07:51 AM, said:
I can't help but notice that a lot of these 'play as a team' responses or threads mostly appear to be a coordinated team of 4 people using ECMs playing against PuGs.
4-man gorups dropping in PuG games were already strong and are now even stronger. Don't talk about how much you love ECM if you are using it to stomp as part of a 4 man drop. If you want to team up and tactically make the most of ECM take it to the 8v8s where you at least know the other side will have equal potential to be on voice with a proper set up of ECM and TAG to use their LRMS.
Saying your 4 man group uses LRMs fine against PuGs means nothing at all.
Actually your answer means nothing at all, since most of the groups we faced off with appeared to be 4 man drops, and even some double drops. Unless PUG nation has suddenly started coordinating ECM/Missile boats.
But by all means, keep whining and making excuses instead of adapting and learning. I don't mind applying Darwinian theory to combat and weeding out the stupid.
XenomorphZZ, on 06 December 2012 - 08:09 AM, said:
I didn't use streaks before the patch... but I kinda find it... interesting how people are parading the death of the streakcat at the hands of ECM...
When ECM requires the exact same skill set as the streakcat did?

The difference being ECM doesn't get you easy mode kills, it simply prevents the other side from doing so. And Streak Cats can still function, but only if they have and ECM mech playing Disruptor for them. ECM actually makes people have to plan more, and think. It's just that most people would rather complain and have the game reset to "easy mode" than have to actually come up with fresh ideas and tactics.
Skyfaller, on 06 December 2012 - 08:19 AM, said:
It is actually quite true. LRM is a LONG RANGE missile. ECM cuts down the lock range to a mere 200m or so and has this effect for all mechs hugging the bubble.
That means, effectively, LRMs= ruined.
You can fire them blindly but they wont hit. They're too slow. They dont 'pack up' before impact unless they have a target lock.
The LRM right now is no longer a long range support weapon but a short range WITH minimum range limit shotgun that can only be used IF you have a TAG (read: The canon missile boat, CatA1 cannot use them).
With the target lock reduced to 200m there is no reason to use LRMs. At all.
SSRM's were knocked out as well and perhaps rightfully so until they get them to not home on CT only.
I find it amazing that you claim it is ok to have one lightweight module nullify not just one but three complete weapon systems and modules.... because 'teamwork' makes up for it.
How about if I introduced an Energy Shield. A bubble device that makes lasers... bend away from the mech inside. How about I say that there was a ballistic weapon that fired shield-disrupting bullets but they only disrupt the shield if the person firing it manages to keep a constant barrage hitting the mech inside it.
It'd be the death of lasers since very few boats load both ballistic and energy slots. Very few pilots can keep a machine gun stream aimed at the target and hitting it in a circle fight... since the shield goes full back up if a single bullet misses (TAG missing target for a second = TAG lost = missile lock lost=Missiles miss & are wasted).
Then I add a new module... hardened uber armor. Immune to projectiles unless an energy beam 'heats up' the armor.
All in all, yes, ECM is good for the game because it promotes teamplay. No, it is bad for LRM because it kills off any long range support fire with missiles, it disables the Artemis system completely and nullifies BAP and target info gathering modules...all at the same time.
There should be a different way of implementing ECM so it is not a 1-flip switch super-benefit tool.
Except that TAG, either yours or a teammates, works just fine cutting thru ECM. So now, if you have a scout with ECM, he can counter theirs. He can lase from 450 meters, and soon 750m. And Even if your scout gets taken out, if you mount TAG, you are effective from the same ranges. So no, LRMS don't = Ruined. But hey, go ahead believing that. It'll just make it that much easier for me to mop the floor with you.
And if you are crying because that one little item made Streak Cats a lot less effective, tough.
Neklatan, on 06 December 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:
All I think is that when one introduces a particularly useful feature that, at a significant extent, can be only countered by itself, it sort of becomes mandatory. That actually excludes strategy options. Also, circunstancial statistics, such as teamwork, shouldn't be considered on a balancing point of view. Or should be considered, but with care, as it work both ways.
Haven't played much after the patch, and no matches at all with any LRM, but ECM seems unbalanced from the "it's just a module" point of view. My knowledge of table top and canon is superficial, but it doesn't seem to be all that powerfull there. And it certainly wasn't on other MW games, and that I can say for sure.
I know it's part of information warfare, and that concept is quite interesting, but it seems too one sided as of now. Sure, beta and etc etc, but I hope that other options are introduced, so that ECM won't be absolutely necessary for success as it seems to be now.
Pretty much my point. There should be some sort of balance between BAP, ECM, TAG, NARC and etc. Perhaps a rock-paper-scissors kind of, adding lizard-spock if necessary

but a 1 Ton item already DOES nullify ECM. It's called TAG. There is my scissors to your Paper.
Icebound, on 06 December 2012 - 09:23 AM, said:
I knew it wouldn't be long until people started doing this. PGI needs to make TAG toggle-able otherwise cheaters will find a way.
Cheating. Wow. Yeah, cuz that is so much like an AIMBOT.
Ya know, I think I should learn a lesson and just let people revel in their own ignorance, instead of pointing out how to help themselves.