Shootu, on 07 December 2012 - 01:40 AM, said:
First some background. Some friends and I came over to MWO from WOT. I had over 17,000 matches in WOT when I made the move. What we found puzzling in MWO was the size of the groups allowed based on the team size. At the time there was no limit which seemed a bit extreme to us based on our experience in WOT. Now of course groups are limited to 4 but that is still extreme when one group can compose 50% of the overall team.
For those that don't know much about WOT, each team is 15 players and the maximum group size in a PUG match is 3. So at most one group can compose 20% of the overall team. We found that even at 20% of the team we could consistently run 60-70% win rates while grouped. On the rare occasion two of our groups were on the same side of the same match our win rate was easily 90+% and even then we only composed 40% of the overall team.
I believe there are lessons to be learned in this that apply to MWO. In fact, my play experience has shown the same percentages apply to MWO. When we group up with 3-4 players we have a 70%+ win rate. Some nights we never lost a match. When I play solo my win rate is 30-40% if I run during peak US hours. My win rate is higher if I play solo during non-peak hours. My assumption is that is because I'm facing less groups during non-peak hours.
So in the interest of fair play, fun, and player retention I would like to see MWO get closer to the total team percent of a group in WOT for PUG matches. Even with only two players in a group, that group will be 25% of the overall team which is probably too much but it is certainly more fair than 50%.
Now for those that will undoubtedly not like this idea please explain what the downside is to capping PUG groups at 2. 8 vs 8 premade matchups are now in the game so there is an avenue for a more competitive game. I can't see any reason for the "need" for 4 man groups in PUG's unless I simply want an advantage over random competition.
Edited: fixed a typo: none peak changed to non-peak.
I think the real fix would be limiting matches to a single pre-made team on each side in a match.
There were many matches where I was running a small group of 2, 3 or 4 in random matches. I would mention that I was in a group on TS and was heading to a specific location. Many times there was another pre-made group on the same side. I know at least a few matches ended up with 4 from Hell's Ponies and 4 from Black Wolves on the same team, totally by chance.
I don't know if there were any pre-made groups on the other side but it seems strange that there were many times that 2 groups of 4 ended up on the same side.