l33tworks, on 09 December 2012 - 09:27 AM, said:
Even after days of playing I just cant seem to amount to anything.
Granted I am playing from Australia but can this really matter that much or is it mostly something I can do to improve? I am not a gaming noob by any means in fact I was very good in all the past online warrior games.
Here is a typical game for me, I jump in my any mech, usually one of of my founders mechs, say an Atlas, see any enemy, do all I can from a distance with the LRMS, try to stay behind cover as much as possible, for minutes even, some hit, some hit walls, some miss, it seems normal compared to what I see spectating.
Eventually as I run into enemies I start Pummeling. 4 Goddam medium lasers all on target into anything I see, almost every time AC 20 or gauss at the same time any change I get, cant tell if they are registering damage but half the time they seem to hit, repeat, rinse, again again, keep my concentration UP, Pummel all I can. My 4 lasers are usually spot on. Its hard work staying on target and pummeling away but it seems not get me nowhere.
End result is I fire as much as I can into anything I see but Im usually dead in under 20 seconds. Sometimes I go from full health to almost dead in a few shots whereas I need to plough away at mech for 2-3 minutes and still I dont get a kill. I only get this chance because they are often shooting at someone else.
Dont get me wrong Im not running up first and getting killed, I'm usually the last one there so the battle has already started and there are friends about. On top of that the enemies are already weakened, be even easier to kill them, but its not. They take shot after shot from me but wont die. And talking big targets but Ravens, jenners, hunchies whatever.
But I get that Atlas is a big target so I try myself get in a jenner commando etc.
This time I'm dead almost instantly :S
So I try completely hide stay back for a 1 on 1. Eventually someone gets close.
It doesn't matter what it is, Jenner or dragon or catapult I come out dead.
I cant understand it as I'm landing 4 medium lasers, clean shots, plus a gauss in them or anything else I have. All close combat up and personal, but they will be a mech with 1/4 the firepower and just tear me up. My mech goes from full health to red to black in a matter of shots.
In the whole 3 days Ive been playing I've only had 1 kill my KDR is 0.04. Its so rare it was like an eclipse. To be honest it was all but dead when I went up agaisnt it will full health. Still got me to 1/4 health. Then I think someone farted in my direction and I died.
I'm far from a sore looser but it does get frustrating.
Pirahna has decided that fast light mechs with ECM + Streaks have an "I Win Button". If you want to start killing, start looking into them. It does get boring playing those builds after a while because the only thing you have to fear is you getting to aggressive and dying. But basically you can come in, strafe, own a LRM/Streak build immediately, and move across the map unseen.