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Open Recruitment To C4

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#201 Asaru


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Posted 21 September 2014 - 07:35 AM

Well it's a Double XP weekend, I got a free cupcake, and a first look at what may be my new fav battlemech (King Crab) :D. Keep up the great work PGI.

I would also like to say welcome to our three new Brit pilots that joined C4 this weekend. It has been a blast dropping with you guys. If there are an other British or EU players out there looking to join a casual fun group then give C4 a try.

We accept pilots 18yrs or older, from newbie to elite skill level and totally understand when real life issues need to come first. We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website (address in sig) and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested. Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 21 September 2014 - 07:36 AM.

#202 Aameris


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 12:27 PM

Hi to everyone!
I ll like to join you. I have been playing the game since openbeta, always as a lonewolf. Language is a problem for me as I m not a native english speaker. Even though I ll try to get on teaming up in the near future.
Hope you invite me!


#203 Asaru


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Posted 04 October 2014 - 04:49 PM

Well we have another great challenge weekend with lots of C-bills to earn. But if your already set for cash and are looking to give group play a try check out C4.

C4 is a very casual fun first group that still plays to win. In C4 you'll never be told what mech you have to run or what load out you must bring to drops. No pilot is ever required to buy team colors, camo patterns, or spend any of your hard earned dollars on the game if you don't want too.

We do have a lot of very skilled pilots that can help shorten the learning curve for new players and help veteran pilots up their game. If your interested in seeing what it would be like to be a member then pop by the House TS3 server and get some drops with the guys. You can also stop by our website to learn more about us and fill out a app while your there (House Davion TS3 server address or at http://c4mercs.enjin.com). Applicants must be 18 years or older as our language can be quite "colorful" on coms. :rolleyes:

Most of our pilots are US based covering all the major time zones but we also have a small but growing group of EU players. We also have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement.

Even if you ultimately decide to join one of the other many fine units here I welcome you to House Davion and look forward to seeing you on to battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 10 October 2014 - 11:00 AM.

#204 Zemeckis


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Posted 09 October 2014 - 12:31 PM

For those who are interested in dropping with us and might not be signed onto the forum so you can't see Asaru's signature.

Join C4 at the House Davion TeamSpeak 3 server, address or at http://c4mercs.enjin.com

Edited by Zemeckis, 09 October 2014 - 12:32 PM.

#205 poopenshire


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 04:21 AM

I hear a Happy Birthday wish in order for StoneFeyer.

Congrats and Happy Birthday again. Maybe PGI can give you Birthday Cake item for your mechs!

GL, HF and keep ROFL-stomping those other teams.

#206 Kwea


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 01:38 PM

The C4 guys are great, and they share the Davion TS server wiht us, so we see them a lot. They are a great bunch of guys, and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a group.

now....if I could just get them to join MRBC ;)

#207 Asaru


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Posted 31 October 2014 - 06:05 PM

Happy Halloween!! It looks like PGI has given us another great weekend event. If your looking for a group ahead of CW then come give C4 a try. We are a non-comp team that focuses on a fun first play style. However this doesn't mean we don't play to win. ;)

We accept pilots 18yrs or older, from newbie to elite skill level and totally understand when real life issues need to come first. We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website http://c4mercs.enjin.com and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested or you can pop on the House Davion TS3 server and get some drops with us first. Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 01 November 2014 - 03:13 PM.

#208 Aylward


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Posted 02 November 2014 - 07:03 PM

These guys are ok.. except for that Necroconvict fellow. Watch out for him.. :P

No, Seriously, fun bunch of guys ! Check them out !

#209 Asaru


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:39 PM

Well it's been an interesting week on MWO. First I would like to congratulate Nagarahk and Kileek both members of C4 that finished in the top 15 for House Davion in this past weekends challenge. In fact Nagarahk came in 1st while Kileek placed 14th. Way to go guys!! :D While not finishing in the top 15 we had several other members place in the top 50.

Now today we get a new patch with a brand new map and a couple of cool hero mechs. Plus we are now less than one month before the launch of CW. If you haven't joined a unit yet and you are leaning Davion (because why would you possibly want to join any other faction) then come give C4 a try.

We accept pilots 18yrs or older, from newbie to elite skill level and totally understand when real life issues need to come first. We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website http://c4mercs.enjin.com and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested or you can pop on the House Davion TS3 server and get some drops with us first. Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 19 November 2014 - 02:36 PM.

#210 poopenshire


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:33 PM

Great job on the Leaderboard C4.


#211 Asaru


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Posted 29 November 2014 - 08:11 AM

Well we got a surprise patch yesterday and PGI increased this weekend event to 2.5x XP. This will be the last patch before CW comes on Dec 16th. If you've been thinking about finely joining a group come give C4 a try.

We are a House Davion affiliated group that places a strong enfaces on having fun first but still playing to win. Also while we may not be the largest Davion group on MWO we are just big enough at a little over 110 members. Why might this be important to you? Well for one thing we put a strong enfaces on our players really getting to know each other. That's something that can be lost in groups with several hundreds of players where your just the latest recruit.

Our group age ranges from mid 20's to 60's, our play style is somewhat layed back, and the language in our rooms is colorful to say the least (don't ask about Thursday nights). :ph34r: For that reason we only accept pilots 18yrs or older.

Pilots of all skill levels are welcome and we totally understand when real life issues need to come first (school, work, kids, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife. or girlfriend and wife we don't judge). We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website http://c4mercs.enjin.com and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested or you can pop on the House Davion TS3 server and get some drops with us first.

Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 29 November 2014 - 01:24 PM.

#212 Jacob Side


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Posted 02 December 2014 - 10:23 AM

If you're sick of pugging it, swing by and get some drops in with us.

#213 Jacob Side


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 07:21 AM

Less then a week from Community Warfare. If you're looking for a laid back fun having group stop on by and get some drops in with us.

Lets make the Inner Sphere Map Davion Red, White & Blue together.

#214 Asaru


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 05:01 PM

Well It has begun. CW Beta is now live. Come join the ranks of House Davion in bringing peace and justice to the Inner Sphere. :D

If your not yet in a unit come give C4 a try. We are a House Davion affiliated group that places a strong emphasis on having fun first but still playing to win. Pilots of all skill levels are welcome and we totally understand when real life issues need to come first (school, work, kids, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife. or girlfriend and wife we don't judge). We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website http://c4mercs.enjin.com and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested or you can pop on the House Davion TS3 server and get some drops with us first.

Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Edited by Asaru, 15 December 2014 - 12:13 PM.

#215 100mile


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 08:43 AM

It has been excellent working with you in CW!

#216 Asaru


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 09:28 PM

Congrats to Davion we had another great night of CW. C4 picked up its third planet and we now have a free shot at St. Ives.

#217 100mile


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 09:55 PM

Good fighting with you today..job well done taking Tripoli!

#218 Jacob Side


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 08:22 AM

C4 is claiming planets along the borders. Come join up and be a part of awesomeness or something...

#219 Kileek


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 11:41 AM

The war has now begun,
Solo drops are not the way.
Come by C4 and have some fun,
We're on most nights these days.

We really love the dakka,
And accept most missile boats.
Running flamers on a locust?
You'll always get my vote.

Like fighting purple chickens,
The green menace and snakes?.
Enjoy drinking while playing?
We're the icing on the cake.

Come by and check us out,
Kick back and have some fun,
We're taking applications,
C4 of Federated Suns

#220 Asaru


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Posted 19 December 2014 - 10:10 AM

Well it's been a busy week for us here in C4. Working alongside the other House and Merc groups has been a blast. I also want to take a moment and say welcome to the 10 new recruits we picked up this week. With all the craziness of CW I haven't yet had a chance to drop with all of you yet but I look forward to doing so soon.

While we have added quite a few recruits this week I still have some open spots for lone mechwarriors looking to join an established unit.

C4 is a House Davion affiliated group that places a strong emphasis on having fun first but still playing to win. Pilots of all skill levels are welcome (but recruits must be 18yrs or older) and we totally understand when real life issues need to come first (school, work, kids, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife. or girlfriend and wife we don't judge). We have quite a few members that are both former and current military although that's not a requirement and a small but growing group of EU players.

One of the things that sets C4 apart from other groups in MWO is that while we have ranks and officers we don't have a rigid clan structure that tells players who they play with or what mechs they drive. While we do have unit colors we also never require players to spend real life money on this game just to be part of the unit. It's also worth mentioning that with some gaming groups they're here today and gone tomorrow. With C4 that's not something you'll need to worry about. Our officers and leaders have been gaming together for over 10 years and many of us know each other in real life too.

If you want to learn more about C4 check out our website http://c4mercs.enjin.com and while your there feel free to fill out an app if your interested or you can pop on the House Davion TS3 server and get some drops with us first.

Either way I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

Asaru, Leftenant General of C4

Edited by Asaru, 19 December 2014 - 10:17 AM.

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