I have mastered both Jenner (F Model) and Commando (2D) and they play very differently from each other. The one thing they both have in common, as with any light, is that speed is your armor. Once you engage, never stop moving.
You basically play 2 roles in a light, first is scouting, this is where you be cautious and refrain from going full throttle so you don't come around a corner and get blind sided by the opposition. The second, is harassment. Pick your fights, let a heavier teammate engage a target first, then you go in behind it and stay there (but DON'T stop moving), taking out it's back. Also as part of this role, if you see a teammate getting swarmed, light off an alpha or 2 and draw off an attacker. Just get it to focus on you for a second then disappear, come around from another angle and repeat.
Don't get tunnel vision and keep locked onto the same target, if you start getting fire coming your way, disengage, break line of sight, then come back in. Again, DON'T stop moving.
Targeting is also different in a light as you are ALWAYS going max throttle at 100+kph, so pin point accuracy plays a big part. On my Commando 2D I use a ML to snipe damaged limbs off as I run through the enemy lines. Plus it's fun to see them all shooting each other trying to hit you
I have tried all 4 Commando variants, 2D and 3A are my favorites. I run a ML and 3x SSRM2 with ECM on the 2D and 2ML with 2 SRM6 on the 3A. That's a 40 point alpha on the 3A, it really gets the enemies attention.
With the Jenner, I sold off all but the D model that I run 4 ML and 2 SSRM2 a XL300 (149+kph w/ speed tweak). But honestly, once I started playing with the Commando, I haven't really used the Jenner much, just for comparison. The Commando is just too damn fun...You are so small it is just a blast watching them try to hit you. But don't get me wrong, every now and then a golden BB has your name on it. Being chased by 2 lights I came around a corner and an Atlas took a split second snap shot with his gauss rifle and it took my head clean off, no other dmg to the mech.
I also tried the Raven, I wasn't a fan, just didn't fit my playstyle. As I said, each light model plays differently.
I have been most effective with the Commando, consistently doing 400-500dmg (sometimes 600 and once over 700). The Jenner, even with DH ends up with heat problems, 300-400dmg, and for over 400 they were near perfect games, I was left alone and firing continuously through out the match keeping my heat in the 80+ range. Again, these are if you avoid the golden BB. Been plenty of matches where I died in the first shots fired where you do zero damage for the round.
The role of the light is spotting and assists, not outright kills, this where you'll make your C-Bills.
Overall, the Commando is the most fun, for me. So try each light out and see how they feel to you.
**NOTE: One more thing you have to get used to as a light, most of the damage done to you and your deaths will come from your own team; you have been warned!
Edited by Spaceghost, 10 December 2012 - 02:16 AM.