Lt Limpy, on 10 December 2012 - 04:05 PM, said:
It's funny how much hypocrisy bubbles to the surface when bred by complaining videos/rage posts like this. Funny, because it hasn't even been a full week since ECM and already I'm noticing a small decline in the "everything ECM" craze. Everyone loves their own "uber" builds until something new comes along and forces them out of their safety bubble and makes them think of new strategies. And of course when you take away their security blankets they will cry like it's the end of the world. ESPECIALLY you "boaters". You created a very specialized mech which is perfect for a select FEW situations, and in doing so exacerbate the build's weaknesses. You built a BOAT, not a jack of all trades, and now the rock to your scissors is coming to stomp your ***.
Please explain why/how sitting around with a red reticle firing LRMs with impunity at scrubs in the open was so superior to CoD? Give me a break. Guess what, now you and your spotter have to play it smarter.
Despite the massive amount of tears shed during this video, I've both fought with and been fired upon by plenty of LRM's and gauss rifles (today alone, in MOST of my matches) since ECM. I also get hit with LRMs in my ECM mech when, surprise surprise, the enemy gets wind of me and does the smart thing by taking me out/scrambling me ASAP. How is this possibru!?!? I hate to be the one to do this, but when you make stupid absolute qq statements such as this you deserve to get slammed.
ok first videos show issue with the game. No well I say this or that video is proof.
Second show your own show showiness his is wrong. I have posted 7 this month alone 3 under son account{he logged in a i did not know he did}.
I have had 100 matchs since ecm was intro. Number of time i have been shot with gauss or lrm ZERO. Prepatch same 100 matchs, shot with LRM or Guass is every match. SO video is on point I have ZERO fear of LRM or gauss because no one using them or they no longer equip them because that tonnage they can use for there PEW PEW ER Lasers or POW POW ac or uac. Either way the game is down to 400m or less brawling figher. lol So yes CALL OF DUTY MECH or Mech of duty.
AS to you seen less sorry but the number just do not lie ecm on the DDC does not lie. If i did not have a DDC because I have my 4 Mech s but i made sure my 12 year out son is killing and grilling in his DDC lol.So pls give me a fraking break. Ez mode in a month i might get me one too lol just to up my stats.