Garth Erlam, on 10 December 2012 - 01:13 PM, said:
A: Same maps, but slightly different layouts. Also the starting spawns have been moved around on some maps. [Garth]
Drop command, "Gold leader, Drop into that tiny blind valley and take your mechs along the deep trenches. Be sure not to run any scouts along the high ridge since long range weapons are an abomination and we won't be involved in such "easy mode" warfare!"
Gold lance commander, "Are you F'ing high?!?!? Silver lance; Raven take your high technology detection gear along the upper ridge scan for activity. Jenner keep the raven alive. Archers drop on the high ground, when you get contact from the Raven blow contact to Hades. Bronze lance; take your Griffins and Jenners up the ridge and back. Keep the Archers safe. If any of you march into that ravine, my command lance is going to Gauss your *** off before you can get into that 300 and less meter brawl the idiots on the drop ship seem to be taking bets on."