TruePoindexter, on 11 December 2012 - 05:47 PM, said:
This thread has generated numerous violations of the MechWarrior: Online
[color="#b27204"]Code of Conduct[/color], and is now being closed.
The game Developers consider the deliberate synchronizing of 4-person drops
in the effort to form an 8-person group within the solo->4-person group queue to be exploitative in nature, and a violation of the MechWarrior: Online
[color="#b27204"]Terms of Use[/color]. I will repost a section of an
[color="#b27204"]Official Posting regarding in-game griefing and cheating:[/color]
We would like to remind everyone that our
[color="#b27204"]Code of Conduct[/color] and
[color="#b27204"]Terms of Use[/color] apply both in-game and on the forums. It is our right to remove players who, for their own entertainment, intentionally degrade the gaming experience of others.
If you would like to report a player for violations, please submit a ticket to [color="#b27204"]Support[/color].
We follow-up all such cases with an investigation and privately contact the abusive players. Continued abuse results in increasing sanctions being imposed. Please be patient while we investigate each report: we review all cases, and in these situations we will be following-up with users privately. In order to protect user privacy, we will not share the result of your report with anyone.
Thank you for understanding.
Hello Harlequin Corps,[color=#2B2E2F]
This is not considered as an exploit and the actual system is only the first phase made to change the match making, this is not the final match making system which is in place now.[/color]
MechWarrior® Online™[/color]
Harlequin Corps[/color]
Nov 09 16:17 (PST)[/color]
Are timed team drops an exploit or not? A timed drop is where 2 or more team leaders do a countdown to attempt to drop either against eachother or on the same team as eachother. We are trying to train units and individuals in units. And since the game has no support for units and unit level training and certification this is the only available technique to conduct individual training, certificatin and unit qualification. We would also like to conduct weapon testing, which you can only do against someone you are talking to.
If it is an exploit are you going to ban accounts for using it?[/color]