Posted 12 December 2012 - 10:16 AM
The game itself is fine. Its fun, the weapons all work about how I believe they should (PPCs and Mguns excluded). And there isn't a terrible amount of bugs (not game breaking anyway).
The problem with MWO isn't inherent to MWO. Its the generation of gamers that started popping up around the mid 2000's. They have a need to have things NOW and tunnel vision themselves into thinking they are gods gift to gaming and when they get outplayed they have a knee jerk reaction to complain about a balance issue.
Players complain about the stupidest things, such as the Gauss and Streak cats, two of the gimpiest configurations I have ever seen. Rather than trying to figure out how to beat them, they complain. They still complain, even though there is far worse configs out there.
ECM is another. The only thing I've seen ECM do (significantly) is neutralize streaks and LRMs, but that isn't what players are complaining about (even though that is my only issue I have with ECM currently). Instead of modifying strategies to account for sensor hidden mechs, they complain. I'd hate to see how they'd react to passive radar in both MW4 and MWLL... then combine ECM with that in both those games. MWO ECM doesn't hold a candle to that.
PUGs. This has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Complains about 'pug stomping'. Do players really, after all these years of competitive online gaming still try to go solo? And then expect to do well? The excuses are absurd as well. They claim to have a job, life, kids, ect. But units/clans/guilds were created BY players with all those things so that they could mitigate the fact they didn't have much time to spend.
Here's the requirements to successful online gaming:
What you know.
What you do.
Who you know.
What you know is the knowledge about the game. Meaning you won't fire LRMs under 180m for example.
What you do is your skill in the game, being able to move behind cover and rotate damage around your torsos.
Who you know is who you are playing with, meaning you're not going solo.
Miss any of those three things and you WILL lose, period.
However in today's entitlement society, these players do not want to actually fix their one shortfalls and instead whine and moan about how the game developer (isn't limited to MWO) doesn't care, doesn't listen, blah blah. However if they would only open their eyes and see that they are the cause of their losses and need to get better, they wouldn't have such a hard time.
They don't understand that they can simply educate themselves on the functionality of certain equipments by simply using them. When LRMs were supposively OP, I used them to see how they worked. I learned their shortcoming so when I switched back to my other configs, I knew how to avoid them. Prior to the nerf, I wasn't being killed by LRMs. Imagine that.
This leads to the skill portion, knowledge, especially first hand knowledge will gain you the skills necessary to beat certain configs and strategies. Of course you have to pay attention to what is going on. When ECM came out, I ran with it to see how it worked and all that. Swapped back to my regular configs once I had the skinny on how it worked. ECM is a powerful tool in the right hands. Unfortunately it will not be enough to secure a win against me, you need alot more then just that.
Then we have the whole teamwork thing. Seriously, there is a public TS that allows you to form teams. Don't even need a mic, you can type in TS. Something simple as coordinating what mechs are being used, so someone isn't bringing narcs/tag with no friendly missile support goes a long long way. The tool is there, you need to simply USE it. Failing that, get some friends to play with. Most of you are in High School or College, you're probably still in touch with friends, get them to play with. Use that cellphone mommy and daddy got you, or facebook or twitter or whatever you all are using these days.
You could also join a unit, they are always recruiting and will be a great resource. Get used to playing with others. Keep at it solo and it will get REALLY bad once community warfare is in. When a unit is stomping your faction and you have no choice but to take on a 12 man premade to stop them, then you're going to wish you had made friends before it counted. If anyone has played planetary in MW3 or MW4 or MPBT:3025 will know what I mean.
But in the end it doesn't really matter. Thats how they have their 'fun'. They don't know what it is to work for results so for them, complaining to get results is how they make ends meet in both online gaming and life in general. Those of us who have been around gaming for a bit have to just tolerate it and hope they go to the 'next big game' and leave us to our competitive gameplay.
The good news is, MWO is a free to play game and thus these players leaving will not hurt the future of the game. They don't spend money on such games anyway.