N0MAD, on 13 December 2012 - 11:23 PM, said:
I just cant beleive the Devs obsesion with small mechs.
I can explain their obsession with small mechs. Small mechs in other MW games were crap... and people used to complain about them being crap on the forums all the time. Seriously, even all the way back in CBT...there was no real reason to bring them unless you were forced to.
Speaking of CBT-Did you know that by original game lore, Assault mechs are supposed to be rare... usually flown by higher officers, and that most of the rank and file pilots are supposed to be running in Lights and Mediums?
The strategic capture value of scouts is actually something they talked about frequently in original lore, but it rarely worked that way for Lights in the games. So, the obsession with lights capturing bases actually has a lot to do with original MW/BT lore.
They need to go further with the game lore spirit and start putting tonnage caps on the matches...around 500 tons for an 8 man team sounds about perfect.
Edited by Pygar, 13 December 2012 - 11:53 PM.