I will soon be writing a tutorial on how to use the in-game files along with some free software to do this yourself. Yes, I've been given permission to do this by PGI. Yes, I hope it will be stickied and soon we'll have a host of .blend files of fully armatured mechs that people can do whatever they want with. But that's this weekend's project, so stand by.
Feel free to critique, but this is just alpha concept work. First I want to figure out how to use the node editor to get the decals to not be washed out, then I'll work on armatures and animating some basic poses/walk cycles (next weekend).
Whew. At least I could stop working on rendering the mechs myself. I managed to get about a quarter of that damn Cat modeled in about 10 hours of work. Now I have all the mechs in Blender format, and it just took me 15 minutes. Thanks PGI! You guys rock!