I agree with much of the OP's sentiment, if not always his mode of expression.
LRMs I think are fine, but Streaks, really, they're silly.
I (ab)use the s**t out of streaks, I use them to win so don't mistake this for some "
boo-hoo I got killed by streaks" rant.
In Closed beta (before the 100% damage increase) I used to spend my time in a laser-Jenner, but since the 100% buff? Damn, I run streaks all the way now, I'd be a fool not to.
Don't anyone even try & pretend it's a fight, a streak-armed Light (inc Cicada) vs a non-Streak Light, it's a slaughter.
Streaks do more damage, never miss, and are utterly forgiving of any & all piloting errors, than anything else you could put on a scout mech.
Streaks turn a crap pilot into a devastating one, by virtue of a simple 3-second timer.
All ECM means to any scout worthy of the name is as a mechanism to deny the enemy scout his streaks, while allowing me to use mine.
Nothing else. Everything else ECM does is irrelevant to me.
Incoming LRMs? I just move before they hit me. Always have, always will.
Targeting information? I just tell my team over comms where the bad guys are at whether they blip red or not. Always have.
Of course I only ever run an ECM scout these days, because that's the only way I can use my 100% effective scout killing weapon, and as we all know, killing enemy scouts is the #1 job of friendly scouts.
If I'm
not in a Raven and I run into an enemy Raven, then I'm dead before I even know what hit me, because his god-missiles will destroy me.
It's a function of the crappy netcode and 100% damage buff - I know this, as I've played the same role since June & have seen all the changes come & go.
If lasers were worth half a damn (and by this I mean streaks were made way, way less powerful) then there would be a reason to run non-ECM light mechs.
Even the splitting some missiles off to side torsos/legs won't make things better, since those are also extreme weak-points on Lights.
Hell, they'll be
more effective if the kit legs & STs as well, without a major damage decrease, or similar downgrade.
But until that happy time when streaks are no longer god-missiles, I'll be in my ECM scout come rain or shine, and that my happy friends is half the problem you are having with the perception of ECM.
Edited by BigJim, 15 December 2012 - 07:18 AM.