So, in the 14th Dec 2012 article on PCGamer, Paul was quoted on the issue of ECM.
"I also asked Inouye if Piranha is happy with the recent implementation of the ECM (electronic counter-measures) system to MWO, which allows some mechs to equip radar and lock-on jamming equipment. "The effect [of ECM] is working as intended and forces players to play a lot smarter," he said. "Specialized Mechs still have their place on the battlefield but they are going to need the assistance of their teammates to succeed. If you plan on taking specialized Mech into a match, plan wisely and have alternate weapon systems that will help you with mid to long-range combat. People are thinking we need to severely 'nerf' the ECM. This is not the case at all. There is already 1 counter-ECM item in the game (TAG), and likely there will be a couple more involving modules and weapon effects.""
This was after 10 days of forum posts, both pro and con, on ECMs, the variance between MWO's implementation of them and Battletech rules / previous Mechwarrior games, it's effect on game play, etc. These posts total out at hundreds of pages.
And yet, in these forum, the Command Chair, anywhere on the MWO site, there was absolutely no response, pro or con, refuting or agreeing with POVs, not even so much as "we heard you". Nothing, zilch, zero, nada. Instead, the only comments were those in an outside source, and that 1 comment marginalized ALL input on the issue.
This is not a pro ECM / con ECM discussion.
What this discussion is what is, and what is not, professional behavior, between the Devs and the beta players/testers. We, in closed beta, had been asked to give input to help in the development of this game, and as open beta testers, this has not changed, it has merely increased the amount of input available. As such, it is suppose to be a "good faith" relationship. In any "good faith" relationship, direct and honest responses are necessary.
"In philosophy, the concept of good faith (Latin: bona fides, or bona fide for "in good faith") denotes sincere, honest intention or belief, regardless of the outcome of an action; the opposed concepts are bad faith, mala fides (duplicity) and perfidy (pretense). In law, bona fides denotes the mental and moral states of honesty and conviction regarding either the truth or the falsity of a proposition, or of a body of opinion; likewise regarding either the rectitude or the depravity of a line of conduct."
"In contract law, the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is a general presumption that the parties to a contract will deal with each other honestly, fairly, and in good faith, so as to not destroy the right of the other party or parties to receive the benefits of the contract. It is implied in every contract in order to reinforce the express covenants or promises of the contract."
We, the "beta testers" should be able to expect that the Devs will act "in good faith" when providing input on game changes and new items, and that they communicate directly with us on highly controversial issues. Just on this one issue alone, in 10 days, there has been more input, both pro and con, than any other issue other than the originally proposed open beta date. Regardless of that input being what they might want to hear or not, in good faith, they should be communicating directly with us and addressing those concerns, and if their POV is at odds with the community, they extend the effort to explain that POV to us.
We take the time to explain our POV to them, what we need to have is for them, in good faith, do the same for us.
P.S. - This is not a pro ECM / con ECM discussion.
Edited by Niko Snow, 16 December 2012 - 02:21 PM.