What Is Your Most Satisfying Kill?
Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:33 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:33 PM
Snap shot at a hunchie on the run with my 2x AC/10 muromets and managed to not only kill him..but kill one of my teammates in the process. was on TS with a few friends and we were literally joking about accidental TKing when the second round of my alpha shot went right through the carcass of the hunchie and finished off one of the guys i was in TS with. he was like.. "... well atleast you killed him too"
Good times
Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:44 PM
WardenWolf, on 17 December 2012 - 02:27 PM, said:

[I fully expect to get back a C&C Red Alert screenshot or some such - would be the funniest way to respond I think]
here you go. edit: changed from png to jpeg because of filesize

Edited by Clay Pigeon, 17 December 2012 - 02:51 PM.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 02:52 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:01 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:09 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:12 PM
the weirdest kill was actually a teamkill.. i was in a lbx and srm wielding dragon on forest colony down in the river and killed a catapult with an alpha on very close range.. and killed the friendly catapult behind it with the same salvo.. 2 mechs with 1 salvo on like 10 meters.. that was weird.. but he told me it was ok, he was close to death anyway
the most awesome kill series was me in a jenner and my whole team was kinda stupid and died very fast.. our base was capped.. so i ran back with only minor damage after some brawl with a commando.. encountered a centurion, an hunchback and a catapult and killed them all alone, then i ran to the enemy base and met an atlas, an dragon and another catapult and killed them all myself too.. none of them was heavily damaged.. the dead ppl of my team provided me with some info and cheered on me and such.. it was really great.. lots of luck involved.. i dont think i am that awesome..
oh.. and once i was accused of cheating cause i went to cave when i played a ac20 K2 for my first time and killed a jenner, a cicada, an awesome and a hunchback in 4 salvos as fast as my ac20s could reload.. 4 kills in like 13 seconds or so? they all went like "haxx!"
but its not like that.. i am just ****** hard all day long by my life and other stuff and then sometimes i seem to have extreme luck and good timing.. sadly only on games and not at lottery..
Edited by Vulture2k, 17 December 2012 - 03:37 PM.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:20 PM
His powerful ECM must have thrown my targeting reticule out of calibration. He circled again, missiles rocking my torso; my teeth rattled as the Cat's 7 point harness strained to prevent me from becoming a blood smear on the instrument cluster. No armor breach, his ECM must have electronically destabilized my gyro. Slamming the Cat into reverse, I dropped the hammer on the throttle, wheeling around with the Raven, lining up a shot with a 15 meter lead. I pulled the trigger, three blue beams shooting into the cold air as his short range missiles launched; thick black smoke obscured my view, as I fought for control of my Cat against the violent assault. I had completely lost visual contact in the dense sooty fog, and started to reach for the jets again when cheers burst through the coms, followed by “enemy down, kill confirmed: Agent 0 Fortune, the drop zone is clear”.
Edited by Agent 0 Fortune, 17 December 2012 - 03:22 PM.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:29 PM
Lately, blowing legs off moving ravens with my gauss rifle. When they finally fix the netcode, I'll have to unlearn all the lagshooting.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:36 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 03:46 PM
We had started at the base with the buildings, and most of the match had consisted of a big brawl in the middle on the various slopes of the caldera. Our team gave a good accounting of itself, but eventually the fight went bad for us and the last two of us were pushed back to our base by the four remaining enemies. My centurion was fairly damaged and had lost its left arm, and my teammate's atlas was also pretty beat up. As they came at us, a hunchback tried to circle behind my teammate, so I locked onto him and started tearing him up. I mauled him pretty good and took off his side torsos, but he took out my left torso and streaks in return and stripped the last bits of armor off the rest of my torso and right arm. Since the hunchback was neutered I turned to try and help the atlas, just in time to see him take down one of the enemy mechs (not sure what it was, never saw it clearly) before dropping himself. I get a look at the enemies, and see that I'm now facing a mostly-intact (no limbs missing) atlas and awesome in my beat-up centurion.
I decide to at least take out the hunchback before I die, so I turn back around and finish him off with an AC+laser volley just before the atlas shoots my remaining arm off. I duck behind a tank and think about hiding, but then decide - heck, why not see how much damage I can do before going down? I pop out and target the atlas, and see that he's still got armor everywhere except his right torso, which is on bright red internals. Better go for that and hope he has an XL, cause I'm screwed otherwise, so after taking his initial laser salvo I fire my pair of mediums into that hole from 300ish meters - and pop goes the atlas. I guess he *did* have an XL.
I don't see the awesome, so I take a look around, and then the cap warning pops up at the top of the screen - apparently the awesome thought I was dead for sure and decided to go cap. Targeting him as I swing around and duck behind the tanks for cover, I see he's basically stock - 3 PPCs and a small laser. So, my only chance is to try to take advantage of the PPC minimum range and hope that I'm faster than him. I work my way up to the square using the tanks for cover, then pop out and charge him. I anticipate him and rotate my torso left, and he wastes his shot blowing off my useless right side. Before his PPCs can recycle I've run right up to him and started circling and dumping lasers into him at literally touching distance - and he just stands there, turning and firing completely ineffectively. He doesn't know about the PPC minimum range. I stop moving and just stand there lasering his CT, and he just fires and shuts down, fires and shuts down, over and over, doing essentially no damage to my bright red CT internals. He could have cored me with a single small laser shot, but instead he just let me chew straight through his core ten damage at a time and blow him up to win the match.
Satisfying? Heck yeah - I'd only been playing for a few days, and that was by far the highlight of the experience. But what was really satisfying was in how it happened. Skill? A bit, but hardly that much - really the only especially noteworthy moments there were the perfect side torso laser shot or the twist shield near the end. Luck? Certainly a big factor - another couple points of damage to my CT anytime during the match and that laser sweep from the atlas would have killed me - but not the deciding one. It was game knowledge. Knowing that XL engines blow up and that an inexplicably-large fraction of people insist on putting them in their assault mechs, and knowing that PPCs have a minimum range and that a lot of people don't realize that. I did a ton of reading up on the game mechanics before jumping in, and that work paid off in a big way in that match.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:06 PM
Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:18 PM
Other was was some mouthy guy who would not stop talking smack on our team about how we all suck even though he is dead and we are alive. next round he is on the other team, I find him and we have a nice little one on one for a bit with our atlas', we lost but no problem because he died to me.
Edited by Virtusx, 17 December 2012 - 04:18 PM.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:19 PM
I decided, when outfitting it, that I would attempt to mimic the Atlas-K in all respects but one--my Atlas has a Standard engine. I accomplished this by using Double Heat Sinks instead of Single, Endo Steel, and a few other tricks (using two LRMs instead of one to increase my heat but decrease my weight).
The result is that, when people scan me, they see that I've configured an Atlas-K, and immediately attempt to core me by knocking out my Gauss Rifle torso-side, only to continue getting blasted apart by lasers and missiles.
Well, one of my most favorite one-on-one combats in memory was with an Atlas-K. His team was dead. So was mine. Just me and him. Except, he was at full armor, I was nearly dead and out of ammo.
We engaged in the middle of Forest Colony's waters, circling each other, occasionally using a bit of debris or migrating toward a hill to get a little bit of height or cover advantage, but mostly it was a slug-fest. Our teams were cheering us on or booing us, depending on who had gotten the best hit in the last few seconds.
But this Atlas-K... he didn't know about my engine.
He could've cored me easily by focusing my center torso. But instead, he went toward my side torso, expecting to punch through it quicker and kill me... everyone shouted GG when one of his alphas put my side torso into the red. It was only one more shot till I died, in everyone's eyes. He was shut down from his alpha, but everyone was still calling the match.
I blasted off his arms while he was shut down, but of course when he woke up he immediately slammed me with lasers and gauss rifles into my side torso. BOOM! ...nothing happened.
There were some "Huhs?" and "Lol!" and even a "GG" in the chats as I swung my remaining side-torso-and-arm worth of weapons to face his center torso, severely weakened by our long bout. Blasted him to the deep red. He started focusing on my center torso, realizing what was up and that he had to core me the old fashioned way, but it was too late--he had apparently expended the last of his ammo, and of course he had no arms, so he was going purely with medium lasers, while I of course still had my arm-mounted Large Laser.
Laser finished cycling. Zap, BOOM, and we won the match

Since I know some devs read this thread for the lols, I'll just say this: one day, you'll be tempted to add in the ability to scan internals (presence of XL Engine, DHS, ammo reserves, etc.). Please, PLEASE make sure that it's Beagle Active Probe only, because otherwise, great kills like that might never happen!

Edited by Jacob Dieffenbach, 17 December 2012 - 04:22 PM.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:23 PM
Jacob Dieffenbach, on 17 December 2012 - 04:19 PM, said:

That is actually a really nice idea for the BAP to give it a little buff - great suggestion!

Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:44 PM
WardenWolf, on 17 December 2012 - 04:23 PM, said:

Well, I'd like to claim it as my idea, but it's actually in the TacOps book for BattleTech. When playing double-blind, hidden sheet rules, the only thing that can force a player to show a 'Mech's sheet is a Beagle Active Probe.
There's actually a lot of little details in that handbook for how ECM/BAP/normal scanners should interact. I hope they implement some of that before going on to making up their own stuff.
Posted 17 December 2012 - 04:49 PM
I get to the base and there's a Trial catapult who's not much of a threat (firing LRMS in close range, etc), so I start in on him, and then his teammates start trickling in, all of them with moderate damage as well. I don't know if they just didn't bother grouping up before they came at me, but with some creative use of buildings and torso-rolling to spread the damage I managed to take down the rest of them (a Raven, an Atlas, and one other besides the trial Cat) with three of my medium lasers and a SSRM launcher left at the end.
It was a good showing of a Medium mech's strengths; speed enough to stay maneuverable and take less damage, armor to take the hits I can't avoid, and the weapons to take on whatever strays into my crosshairs.
Edited by Elkfire, 17 December 2012 - 04:51 PM.
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