Greyfyl, on 17 December 2012 - 09:44 AM, said:
Maybe an online environment isn't your cup of tea. Expecting pleasant behaviour in an online game is asking for a minor miracle.
look at every game, pc, ps3, doesn't matter...
Kraven Kor, on 17 December 2012 - 09:53 AM, said:
Inexcusable behavior should not be tolerated or excused.
We, the internet gaming community as a whole, need to police our world and remove the worst offenders.
Trash talk is fine. Racial and homophobic slurs are not and should not be tolerated.
Accidental friendly fire is fine. Griefing is not and should not be tolerated.
Each and every one of us has a social contract with the world at large; break that contract, face the consequences.
I signed no contract with the world. What is the world giving me in return, squat? I got a crappy deal and need to beat my lawyer. This phoney baloney contract you speak of is called, basic human decency / respect....not everyone has it.
Hey Kraven, weren't you going around in a match saying bad stuff the other day? I'm pretty positive that was you. I don't have any saying it and just implying it is apparently enough. I think I proved it was you beyond a shadow of a doubt.
That's the point. OP seems to want to implicate things, but not provide anything but a couple of sentences about it.
Furthermore, if during the prematch "GLHFGLHF" love in, someone decided to say "good luck f#gs", personally, it's not really warranted, low rent on their part, but it's not directed at a person, therefore should just be written off as ignorant.
This is where I will agree, and disagree at the same time. Sure something could be off color / inappropriate, but unless directed specifically at someone, should be written off. Who knows, maybe the OP can email support about the match date and time, and they may have access to the chat logs if those are kept and see what was said.
I'm not saying an option shouldn't exist, but you're going to need to provide some proof that it actually happened, and is in the correct context.
I also can't remember a match where off color things were said just for the sake of saying it. Usually some one says something in chat, or does something that get's people all worked up. Rarely does it happen just because.
Edited by Penance, 17 December 2012 - 10:21 AM.