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No Repair/rearm ... No Consequence For Playing Like A Doofus?

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#221 Vila deVere


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:12 AM

View PostRacerX, on 15 January 2013 - 09:05 AM, said:

The point that was obviously missed here is negative reinforcement has a sense of punishment. It is simple psychology. If a player does not feel rewarded for thier efforts then they will loose interest and leave. If, however, they feel some sense of positive reinforcement then they will be engaged.

Simply redirecting a player to a less desirable path, ie trial mechs for an indeterminant amount of time to achieve a level of gratification, is not a solution. Stating that a player is whining about not getting rich is also a redirect of the subject at hand and does not, in any way, prove or disprove anyones position.

Players don't need to get rich. They need positive reinforcement that keeps them vested in the game. In this instance PGI chose C-Bills and XP as the vehicle that delivers this gratification. The Grind, as we have it now, is setup to make it more desirable to pay real currency to shortcut the time investment that the "Grind" represents. PGI did make some concensions by adding extra rewards to new players and adding XP to trial mechs. This allows them both the sense of accomplishment and the ability to purchase/build something competitive within a shorter period of time.

Finally, I will disagree with your statement, "He who makes the most money..." If the playing field is level then I agree with you. However, we do not currently have balance for most matches. Also, I find that folks who throw more Real Currency at this game have a real edge on the battlefield until those who are the F2P crowd can catch up. Remember, this is a F2P game and not a Pay2Win game as PGI keeps re-asserting. So asking someone to put up or shut up with thier money also is not a valid argument.

Now, as far as Respawns go. I've been thinking about this for Conquest mode. 8 vs 8 team deathmatch simply seems too shallow of an experience for this game type. It may not seem very realistic but it would make the game more interesting and perhaps worth playing.

When this game gets respawns, I'm outta here, unless their phased reinforcements.

#222 Josef Nader


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:17 AM

Removing R&R was the best thing that ever happened to this game. People actually fight robots now, rather than sneak around the edges of the maps to try and avoid scratching their babies and base swapping all the time. We don't have people stripping all the weapons out of a mech to minimize repair costs to farm money, screwing their team out of a contributing member. We don't have people devoting extra tons to ammo just so that they never have to pay rearm costs. We don't have mechs dropping into combat with heavily damaged internals and armor because their pilots are, again, trying to farm money.

Instead, we actually have people fighting giant robots. Base caps are undesirable compared to actually engaging your opponents, and people are actually motivated to play well now. Sure, you still have ***** suicide rushers, but those guys get paid even less than they did when R&R was in the game. They'll figure it out sooner or later.

#223 Landeraxe


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:24 AM

View PostAgent of Change, on 15 January 2013 - 05:34 AM, said:

The truth is respawns really don't fit within BT/MW it's never been part of the mythos or games. I don't particularly think respawns make sense in the best of situations I really can't see them fitting in a game like MWO. Not to mention the lack of respawns changes the game in interesting ways.

But the bottom line is anyone who suggests respawns as a a solution to issues in MWO is goign to have to make one hell of a compelling argument to win over any kind of agreement. Most games have respawns, this is true, but also NOT a compelling argument as to why MWO should have them primarily because MWO wants to be different.

This was what I meant by what I said. I'm not sure how/why he translated "Respawn? That is so un-mechwarrior", into "My opinion is more important than yours because I'm a superfan and you're just a useless newb", but whatever. Thin skins abound online...

If R&R and collionons are coming back in the game post-beta, then fine; test away. Until they do come back, i'm just not getting the immersion I was looking for when the title first came out.

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