Elder Thorn, on 22 December 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:
That thing with the code complexity and your last sentence.
Please don't get me wrong, i am not trying to offend anyone here and i don't know THAT much about coding, so i might view it from a wrong point of view, but if you sum these things up and also take the still missing collisions into account, you might come to the conclusion, that PGI just takes out stuff not because they think it is better to remove it, but because they don't know how to fix it. (Though i think, fixing RnR hasn't even much to do with coding).
I mean.. come on, removing RnR is a step towards single player games with an optional mutliplayer mode, asking me you could completly remove C-Bills looking at the current state of the game. People complain about the grind, but right now C-Bills are only there so that there is grind. With RnR you at least had some illusion of economy.
I know enough about coding to understand the code complexity thing, and frankly I actually never thought too much about all of those synched variables on each mech.
Let me take the right torso of my atlas for example;
It has 2 AC/5 Case and 3 tons ammo the variables in place for each weapon are as follows for only this piece
Ac/5-health-, weapon mount used(mostly for missiles i think)- and slot usage
Glitches can cause over usage of slots and bad desyncs, for example I lost internet connection while changing the torso from uac/5 as a test back to ac/5 and I found my ac/5 were all on my dragon, overweight and improper slots used. It has to make sure everything is proper server side every time you push that launch button.
Health- this variable existed on everything from your armor to your engine. It had to be synchronized every time you ended a game or repaired your mech. simple right? Not as much as you think, there has to be a massive table of all of your items that has an extra
personalized variable at the end of the match that gives you the damage dealt to that item and everything else.
Still not so difficult you think? Think of it as a scan tron exam for your finals or something, where every one has a different test and has 25-75 answers for every question, and different number of questions each.
Now try telling a computer to grade every single one and make a system behind it for grading them like that. A computer only takes direct instructions, so you must tell it everything or gather the information itself. Now it has to output that information again in a readable format that is simple. You can't just tell it " grade that test" You have to tell it every single step of the way, that is what a program does.
Claiming that you don't know enough on the subject then going off about how they don't know how to do something, when they made the system in the first place is an insult, plain and simple, the repair system is something that as far as i know is not part of Cryengine, it is something they coded specifically for this game, collisions of characters in such a manner that they get knocked down under circumstances, same thing.
RnR was flawed at the core of it, It had too much emphasis on a few parts, armor, Xl engines and Ammo. Each one was excessive. I saw even atlases running with only repaired structure because of excessive repair costs. 5k per ton of ferro you need to repair, 2.5k for every standard, an atlas took around 47.5k to repair armor alone, more than an xl engine. For standard armor. A tier 2 "upgrade" that costs 20X as much costs less to repair? It may have been a simple fix of changing the numbers around some, but armor is supposed to be cheap to repair, not something that is the biggest cost of your entire mech, that is your engine. Make all the tech 2 stuff simply cost double standard to repair, simple fix for xl engines. Armor needed to be about 1/10 the of what it was, derived for REPAIR costs, not REPLACE costs. Ammo was merely an improper way of balancing something, Ammo should be free reloads the guns should be the thing being balanced, not their ammo fees.
The benefit of an xl engine is not worth 5X the repair costs, which you would likely have to pay more often, due to the higher chance of death. Claiming that ammo should be a limiting factor of missile boats is horrible logic, the ammo you carry limits you, tonnage and space wise, you gain more ammo and can use your weapons for longer, but at the same time lose functionality elsewhere, either in being able to fire consistently(heatsinks) or secondary weapons capacity(lasers for cats) The ammo costs were excessive, especially for their damage per ton, at 100% efficiency, every missile hitting in 1 ton of regular ammo it costs you 92 cbills per damage dealt. double that with Artemis. 108 and 216 respectively for regular srm and SSRM/Artemis SRM. Wait a moment, that is for the full ammo supply, I forgot we got welfare ammo. 24 and 46 for LRM, 27 and 54 for Srm, oh so fair is it not? That at perfect accuracy, even with the new economy your ammo doesn't even pay for itself in damage? Heatsinks are the ammo of energy weapons, remember that, they get free refills, but merely have to cool-down when using them a lot.
Your statements, even if you attempt to make them benign by saying "Please don't get me wrong, i am not trying to offend anyone" the fact you stated " don't know THAT much about coding, so i might view it from a wrong point of view," Means that you should NOT have any say in their coding practices but only their outside actions. Do not talk about something, after you say you have no knowledge of the subject in, that makes you look like a fool and are far more insulting than you if you were to feign knowledge of.
Elder Thorn, on 22 December 2012 - 06:11 PM, said:
notice how i am not playing my founder's mech for weeks now, because another variant of that mech is better for my playstyle. Oh and yes, i am using my premium time, so?
RnR has NOTHING to do with pug stomping, not at all.
And even if it is founder's only who do not agree with removal of RnR, you know what? We ******' paid for this game, not to win it, but TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE.
That doesn't mean my opinion is worth more than yours, but seriously, people claiming "it's only founders who do this or do that, blablabla" are driving me nuts. We funded (foundered?

) this game, so why the hell shouldn't we be allowed to disagree with anything in it?
Premium time increases your base winnings by 50%, now you have a minimal winnings ammount due to the portion of your original winnings that went to repairs, is no longer there, and that makes your final repair costs a fraction of what your winnings were. With premium you could easily double or triple you winnings with RnR taken into account why? A 90 k loss with 60k repair gives you a profit of 30k, with premium that profit goes up to not, 45k, but 75k, 2.5X greater.
Edited by Deadoon, 22 December 2012 - 06:26 PM.