Krivvan, on 18 December 2012 - 07:01 PM, said:
The point, however, is that the universe isn't about having better technology than modern times. All the weapons and equipment in the game are far behind current day tech, except for having mechs (which is a physical impossibility at the sizes and tonnage in the game).
I would really arguewith you about physical impossibility, but I'm too lazy and you do not know the area you are talking about at all, as far as I can see. They are not impossible, they are (now) considered mostly too useless.
And OP, well, we also have some **** instead of proper mil-dot like reticle. How 'bout that? =)
You can look at it from 2 points:
1. Canon. Electronics are SO degraded in 31st. They pretty much can reproduce only what is left. So, in certain areas, like computers and electronics we are pretty much in 20th century and even beyond sometimes.
2. Gamewise. We do need ***** insrtuments to add competition. Because if everyone has good ones, there will be much less skill involved in playing => less competetive => more boring.
Edited by Undead Bane, 18 December 2012 - 07:10 PM.