I've tried a fair number of builds now, main differences being engine sizes.
Having a gauss in the torso with 4 medium lasers and an SRM or SSRM in the CT worked out fairly well, but I am currently having fun with this:
Works best if you are the type to stay back out of combat or you just enjoy some sniping from time to time.
Endo Steel
LA - 1x PPC and 1x Large Laser
RA - 1x PPC and 1x Large Laser
16 double heatsinks.
I group the PPCs to my right mouse in chainfire, and the lasers to the left mouse, also in chain fire. You can shoot the PPCs in chainfire all day and not worry about overheating, and the lasers are naturally quite effective at both long and short ranges.
Since I have already completed elite on the existing 3 dragons, I converted some xp and now have elite completed on Flame as well.
Moving at 90kph while having that kind of long range firepower is just awesome, you can bounce between cover areas and constantly poke away, softening up whatever you can hit.
Seems like assaults like to get fed up and charge, which means you can juke around your cover and they get torn up by your team, or you just harass them when their back is turned, gotta abuse that speed!
Light swarms are annoying as usual, but I've managed better running this than most other dragon builds. Not needing to worry about ammo and heat being quite manageable if you don't get overzealous helps out a lot.
So what does everyone else find most effective?
EDIT: This was my latest game with this build. I stood back sniping everything I could, relocating as needed. Our base was being capped later in the game, I go back, killing a cataphract along the way. Then I finish off the two wounded atlas on our base. Then I head back to their base where our last member, a commando was fighting a raven and another atlas. Chase the raven down, staying behind him as I ran faster, and then finally finished off the last atlas for the win.

Edited by Voo4386, 19 December 2012 - 12:22 AM.