King Arthur IV, on 10 January 2013 - 10:32 PM, said:
shameless bump lets get to 500!!
Each time you "shamelessly" bump like this (and we see all the deleted bumps prior to this one), I lose a little bit of respect for you (and you're wearing a Steiner tag... social generals don't get to start with a much respect as it is).
You have a decent topic, if you want to keep this post on top, at least add a little bit of meaningful content to it. Surely you can think of something to say about it each time you do this other than "bump!". Here, let me give an example:
I still think the current payment scheme needs to be changed. Earlier today, I was thinking about how awesome a Stalker with a Phranken scheme would look, but while thinking about how I'd have to pay and pay again if I so much as wanted to change even one color, even if it's a color I had purchased previously; I decided against not only buying the paint scheme, but not even buying the 'mech. PGI is actively discouraging me from making purchases with the way they have decided to set up their payment model for paint patterns and colors.
See? By adding content with more than a mere "bump", I have continued the discussion, provided input. and moved the thread back to the top of the list.
(And be glad I'm not in charge of moderation here, because a "bump" on my forums would've given this thread an autolock. When someone "bumps" a thread, it's usually a sign that not enough people care to keep it the discussion going on its own accord, and if someone wants to bring up the topic again they would probably be better served by making another thread anyway)
Edited by DirePhoenix, 11 January 2013 - 02:12 AM.