Making ECM weigh more or take more slots is one way to balance it. Actually one of the better methods I've heard thus far.
My own thought however -- not taking that into consideration -- was to take ECM as it is and change the mechs it is available to.
The current commando the ECM can be found on sports 3 missile hardpoints, and now almost never carries a laser. Why would it need one? My own personal design carries one streak and 2 SRM-2's. Most just carry 3 streaks.
When ECM was just starting, my commando was the 1-B. I love it to be honest. 3 energy weapons, 1 missile launcher with only two holes. In combat it requires skill and tenacity. People hate the 1-B. It's the least popular of all the commandos.
...It would have been the perfect candidate for ECM.
Why? It would 1) not have many missiles on itself, allowing it to carry ECM at any weight, 2) it would make the least common variant suddenly much more appealing, and 3) discourage the "boating" issue since the commando 1-b cannot, in fact, boat streaks, SRMs, or LRMs.
The only Atlas that can carry ECM is the one that can sport 3 missile launchers.
...There seems to be a pattern forming here.
DDC Atlas was already incredibly popular because of its anti-light 3-streak model, or its hard hitting 3 SRM-6 model. Add ECM -- Why would you EVER waste your time with another variant? The answer? You won't.
The Raven 3-L, another ECM totting mech variant sports two missile launchers. Why choose another variant when both of those missiles are streaks?
Now the AC-20 Raven (4x? Or 2x? Haven't used them in so long I can't remember -- because they have nothing going for them now) could've really benefited from ECM camouflage. The ability to move marginally undetected until it is almost within detection range to deliver that deadly payload. Or how about the less popular gimp-arm Raven with the rather obvious shield/ECM Radar-like appendage that says "I'm the least popular Raven and have nothing going for me, GIMME ECM so people will buy me!"
Much better candidates. Does it happen? No.
...In the line up, the new popular 3-L got the ECM. Of course it did. It has the missile hard-points. No one uses any other unless it's a trial or to unlock stuff in the lab.
*Ben Stein* "Yay..." Let's balance the game by forcing people use the 'lesser' variants to unlock the potential of their superior ones. That sounds like a much better idea than balancing the lesser variants with something that puts them on par with the other variants of the same chassis! Genius! Pure genius!
(If you didn't notice I was being sarcastic.)
I'm flabbergasted that following this logic, the A-1 didn't get its own ECM. Somehow I guarantee it was on the table. Same with the Centurion with the 3 missile left shoulder. It would fit the pattern and it's already the most popular Centurion!
Now, don't get me wrong. Though the ECM is the very bane of my existence I do find that it is a fundamental part of the game. I've seen some really impressive strategies using it. Sometimes it can be a very fun game changer. However the mechs that currently sport ECM are already at the top of the food chain before and this makes them unrivaled. ECM should have been a benefit to the lower-end variants that are stuck in over-sized cardboard boxes, unloved and collecting dust in someone's mechbay closet waiting to be sold off... except even the mechlab doesn't want to buy them back!
Poor unpopular variants.
...Forever alone.
Edited by Koniving, 30 December 2012 - 01:08 PM.