Ok I have finished of the last few mechs and this morning just whipped up the blackjack Below.
Heffay, on 21 May 2013 - 06:17 AM, said:
5) Use Noesis to convert all cgf files to .obj and dds to .png
input: cgf, output: obj, output path: $inpath$\$inname$.$outext$, additional parameters: -flipUV (-objmtl too?), recursive
input: dds, output: png, recursive, output path: $inpath$\$inname$.$outext$
Just be careful using Noesis for the DDS I have found on a few it stuffed up the Diffuse and Spec maps by missing pieces(Perhaps interpretating alpha wrong) in the conversion, that is where DDSViewer is handy to fixup the few that corrupted.