They don't have to lose to the premade, either. A premade will
usually win,
if their tactics
and coordination are good, but just slapping a 4-man together and Skyping with your buddies isn't a magic road to victory - you can still be fought, and you can still be defeated.
The best illustration of this point in my personal experience is taken from WoW - I started the game on a PvP server, Horde side. For those of you totally unfamiliar with World of Warcraft, the Horde (this was before all expansions) was nearly always outnumbered on each server. On Hakkar at the time, the Alliance population outnumbered us by about 50% - and when school let out, nearly two to one. Because of this, we had to learn to play; we had to master basic tactics, and virtually
all of us were at least somewhat competent, because the ones that weren't quit the game or rerolled Alliance. The end result was that even though they outnumbered us by half an army, we would pretty regularly smash their guild premades in the PvP battlegrounds (not always, but they had to make a premade to have an even fight) and it was the
Alliance who learned never to go anywhere alone in the leveling zones.
MWO doesn't have such a faction divide at this point, so there's not going be a crucible of fire to select for good players - but my point here is that while coordination helps, it is
skill that matters (and also gear, but I digress.) If you understand basic tactics and how to cooperate with your team, the advantage of enemy communication is vastly diminished - past a certain point, all Skype does is make sure you're doing the right thing. Don't get me wrong, a coordinated 4-man can wreak havok on your team, and provides a distinct advantage, but just like no amount of tactics will help you if you can't shoot, no amount of communication will help you if you don't have good tactics. =)
Edited by Void Angel, 17 January 2013 - 03:41 PM.