Helbourne, on 11 January 2013 - 11:55 AM, said:
If this game is only ever going to be team deathmatch with a dash of various goals, then i guess go ahead 'balance' away. Make everything equal. Zero sum it up.
IF this game is going to a real warfare game, where you have to decide which planets to take control of, then Clan tech cannot equal IS tech. It has to be better. Pick your battles. Do not attack the planet that has 1,000 Clan mechs on it. Attack that one that is lightly defended, one that only has 1,000 construction mechs on it.
We're nor having a war, we're playing a game. It may try to simulate a "war", but the fact is - playing imbalanced matches is not fun. You would have to fundamentally change the entire game (possibly more than community warfare would do) to make imbalanced matches interesting for players.