I like the 4J and have had great success with it. What turned me to the mech was that I did not want to use the swayback and the 4H was to similar to the 4G founder I have.
The stock 4J may run hot in a close in fight but it can be very effective. The whole Idea behind the 4J is that it is a guard for a support lance. The lasers are for fending off any mech that would attack the lance in close range while the LRMs insure that it helps with long range fire. The 4J is supposed to stick with catapults and LRM equipped awesomes.
A pilot with good heat management skills can use this mech to great effect.
Most of my mech load outs are very similar to the original variant. I find a good stock mech I can use then tweak them for best effect. Some times I do go beyond that. Here are some 4J load outs I have used sense closed beta and even after ECM was implemented.
endo steel
added 2 heat sinks
This really helped with heat management. when targets are 300m or less I just use lasers. Waiting an extra beat on firing my torso lasers help.
endo steel
added artemis to the LRM10s.
The artemis made long range support more effective. I heated up more than I did with the load out above, but the change was worth the accuracy for the LRMs.
When running hot (50%) I would switch the torso lasers on chain fire. This let me keep up a good rate of fire while not having the large heat spikes of firing them all together.
endo steel
Large laser RT (replaces mediums)
The large laser added to my long range hitting power and accuracy. I could snipe when LRMs had a good chance of missing.
It also produces less heat than three medium lasers.
LRM15 replaced the two LRM10s
large laser replaced the RT medium lasers.
heat sink
This was used in closed beta. It could still be viable now. The LRM15 will consume less ammo per shot. This lets your ammo last long and missile not as harsh. It also produces less heat than two LRM10s. Again the large lasers adds to long range effectiveness and better heat management.
Edited by Dirus Nigh, 30 December 2012 - 09:27 PM.