Vassago Rain, on 03 January 2013 - 12:34 AM, said:
No, it means the player in question is better than the competiion, which isn't tied at all to your build.
He should take the same build to the 8 manz.
like i said, have yet to find 7 other people worthy of my craptitude to go play in the 8-man pool regularly. on the occasional time i've dipped a toe in i can usually get 2-3 kills before the rest of the almost-pug-8-man gets pwnt. i look forward to a skill-based matchmaking system. i'm far from the best here, but i do enjoy a competitive match and being mech-zilla in the pub pool gets tiring sometimes.
and yes, you got the point that the quality of player isn't tied to the build strictly. which is what a lot of posts seem to contradict currently saying "X is terrible" or "Y should never be on your mech" etc.