Der Geisterbaer, on 23 February 2013 - 02:35 PM, said:
I'll put it in easy words here: By personal experience I do know that "business procedures" in that particular field of work more than just "often" turn into "stance" ... influenced by various things such as staff size, time frames and even personal connections between the involved people. What I'm not saying is that the current makers aren't trying to adhere to said procedures and I'm also positive that overall they're trying to be more successful than some of their predecessors (who by their own right tried to be "good" as well), so please refrain from further attemps of nitpicking there, because that will most certainly lead to what you just critized with one of Doc's postings: flaming ...
... So, your experience is that procedures can turn into mere stance, but you say that you're not saying that the developers aren't trying to actually use their procedures ... but you've already equated stance with procedure previously ...
It seems to me you are trying to have your cake and eat it too.
So, do you believe they are following their procedure... or that they are not ... and ditto on the past novels and such?
It's an Either/Or not a both/and question.
I can see no good reason to make the assumption that they are not and have not been keeping things in line. As you yourself have already mentioned, the novels and the (in this case, hit-location table mechanic) line up pretty well - personal experience is fine and all, but we have to know when our experiences apply, and so far, the evidence simply isn't there.
Big "iffy" here ... that can be expanded with "provided that the creators actually still remember". I' don't know how old you are and how well you think you can recall your earlier days, but I can honestly tell you that at least I cannot remember with absolute certainty all details of "procedures" I followed during the 1980ies (the very era when BT came into existance) and I have that "gut feeling" that Jordan and Ross aren't that much better in that regard.
Yes, and I know people who, in their 60s, remember an obscene amount of detail from back to their very earliest days.
How do we know who's experiences apply in this particular case?
Damn me and my long sentences ...
Nah, there's nothing wrong with your sentences. I was trying to read too quickly.
Try rereading what I wrote and particularly what I quoted from you: It's not me who didn't want to discuss the older implementations of the TT system"

... and you'll note nothing I posted has the meaning that I "didn't/don't want to discuss the older systems" ... and that In my just previous reply I pointed this out expressly -
and than i even discussed the older systems.
I surely wouldn't call them "the place to the hard and fast black and white rules" but rather "one of the places to get the feeling for what should be implemented in a MW video game". And that mainly due to two reasons:
1. The novels shed light upon stuff that the TT rules, the TROs and other sourcebooks simply don't adress
2. Since the novels - more or less - abide to the basic premises of the universe without actually going into the details of the underlying rules, they are somewhat better suited to convey the feeling a video game maker would have to understand before making his attempt, since he's not distracted by said underlying rules.
I'm even going to claim that some of the perceived problems with the current MWO implementation actually stem from looking too closely at rule details without taking a look at their design implications. Something that could have been avoided ... possibly by looking at the less obvious rule driven parts of the BT background info ... But I guess that's really just my PoV.
I don't think I'd use the word "feeling" but I would say that things which the rules don't touch on that are necessary for a MW video game can be gotten in at least some form or the other from the novels and the source book fluff.
In fact, that's one of the main reasons I wrote up the second link in my signature line.
Which percieved problems in MWO and which rules would you be thinking of?