HRR Insanity, on 25 February 2013 - 10:10 PM, said:
Partially true... but keep in mind, there is a meta-game that goes on. Two months ago, almost all competative 8s were running close infighters due to ECMs effects. Those infighters maximized the ability to get close and then crush people with dedicated boats/infight builds. Splatcats, DDCs with 3xSRM+AC20..., dual AC20 cats, and lots of RVN-3Ls. With ECM, you could dictate the engagement range easily and then optimize your boats for that environment.
Now, with the changes to PPCs (heat) making the 3-6PPC boats more heat viable and the addition of Alpine (and the other maps coming) I expect that the meta will quickly shift towards balanced sniperPPC heavy lances with some short/mid range backup in the form of either AC20 or GR Cats. I could be wrong, but that's the likely new meta.
That's not boating, that's just abusing ECM.
HRR Insanity, on 25 February 2013 - 10:10 PM, said:
So, given the above, how would you propose to counter an 8 man lance of one LRM boat, 2-3 ERPPC/PPC snipers, 2-3 mid-range support (AC20boats/maybe a Splat) and 2-3 RVN-3L (the defacto required scout 'Mech)?
A mixed config lance will be dominated at all ranges... because individuals 'Mechs that get exposed will eat 10+ PPCs while returning only 1-2... and your 'Mechs will explode. If they close, the infighters engage and the snipers fall back and then provide support... again, dominating.
It's just the way the game works. It worked in MW4. It will work the same in MWO.
Well first, of course you have to have a couple RVN-3Ls, that's a given, and those aren't boats. Since you didn't specify, I'm going to assume the following in your example:
1 - LRM boat
2 - sniper boats
3 - mid-range support boats (say two AC 20 boats and one splatcat)
2 - 3L scouts
I see something like this destroying that with relative ease.
2 - 3L scouts
3 - large mechs (big heavy mechs or assaults) with combination of something like this: 1x LRM 20, 1-3 sniper weapons, and the rest of the weapon capacity filled with medium or large lasers
3 - medium to heavy mechs with a combination of large/medium lasers as well as one or more of the following: SRMs/SSRMs, short to medium range ballistic weapons
Right at the start, LRMs should be considered useless because of ECM cover. That leaves the snipers and large lasers to duke it out at long range initially. While large lasers don't have the range of true snipers, they can still help in most such situations. So while you've got two snipers taking all the heat from PPCs, I've got that spread out over 3 mechs with true sniping weapons and a few more helping with large lasers. You've also got 6 targets to worry about, while I've only got two. At some point, one team or the other is going to concede the sniping battle because it's not going their way, and take cover, forcing the other team to close the gap to continue the fight. Either way, while your AC20 cats and splatcat are trying to get in close enough to use their deadly weaponry, they get severely weakened or outright killed by the longer-range weapons I still have left on my team.
Even on a well-coordinated team, I just don't see any scenario where boat builds are truly more effective than a well-coordinated team of more flexible mechs.
Edited by Doc Holliday, 25 February 2013 - 10:47 PM.