Amarius, on 23 January 2013 - 03:23 AM, said:
I really like near everything you're proposing.
For minor changes:
- I think Actual Speed should also be a factor of M-SIG, about as important as heat-M-SIG (if you don't move at all, it's a little harder to detect you)
- ARTEMIS, being a direct sight device, should remain so
Speed is a great idea on the (+ / -) of M-Sig. Nice
I'm fine with leaving Artemis to strictly LOS but I do want the effectiveness of Artemis to be enhanced against targets with Massive M-Sig which means if your mech sticks out like a beacon in the night most if not all of the missiles are going to hammer you.
FerrolupisXIII, on 23 January 2013 - 09:44 AM, said:
Also as has been said, you're suggesting so many modules that a lot of mechs wouldn't be able to use many of them. i liked the idea about maybe splitting up the modules into separate slots, would help keep people from stacking all of one module type.
This would be an advanced tree for mech "XP" not pilot XP. And yes the modules are many and the functionality is in question on some mechs. But that is the idea. If you are rocking a Commando-2D then chances are you want to pour your Mech XP into the Missile table to unlock the SRM Bonus and because your a light mech perhaps a Advanced Piloting Sprint.
The modules are many and the slots are few so you have to pick the ones that benefit you the most.
Now if your in a Hunchback-4P the Missiles do nothing for you but there are lots of stuff in the Energy Tree to build your mech towards.
I am trying to avoid the +Damage and +Cycle time modifiers where I can, simply because balancing this game is hard enough with out tweaking numbers even more so I wanted to give useful modules with out playing with the balance of the game so much.
And Yes the tree is not only mech specific but Variant specific. So having a Hunchback-4J and a Hunchback-4G you would separate trees and because they are separate you can unlock a different path if you so chose.
Thx for the Feedback
Edited by Carrioncrows, 23 January 2013 - 11:14 AM.