Ok, so after reading most of the 24 pages worth of comments I felt it was time for my voice to be herd.
Firstly done right F2P is good, many do F2P but not many do it good. So here are three of my experiances that will show differing options other game makers have taken.
-Runescape, Even though its brought out as a free to play game its not. Its worse then Item mall games in my eyes, If it were to say it has a free to play element and not that it is free to play then my view would be differant.
-Voyage century online, An asain style Item mall game. Where clearly P2W is the case. If you dont pay you cant win, with item boosts and special things that are only aquireable via an item mall and cash it leaves no path to compete.
-LoTRO, Yes it is F2P and yes content is unlockable in game by aquiring there points, but they leave no room for enjoyment as a F2P. You have to complete every task just to get enough points to unlock a new area.
All those games do some things right and others wrong, runescape keeps the game fair for P2P but leaves F2P out in the cold, VCO does allow allocation via game play same with LoTRO but both severly limit it to the point where its not a viable option. Limiting you based on what areas you have unlocked like in LoTRO is also a deal breaker, unless you can effectively do it without making it so tedious and time consuming as to take every ounce of fun from the gaming.
-Ive never played WoT but as with VCO^ The ability to buy ammo or anything that can give my enemies a serious advantage that im unable to obtain via game is a deal breaker. Now rare ammo that can be found in game being sold in Item mall for a respectful price is ok, but It cant be more then 5% more effective then the best in game buyable with cbills.
-The idea of having things like hanger or bank slots cost cash irritates me a little, I do understand that it will drive some sales but to offer something like this only for cash is bad in my eyes. UNLESS the same could be offered via game play, Even if it was hard(10H) or rare(25H) to get it would atleast make it a non deal breaker.
-I have no problem with decrative sales, anyone that wants to spend money for a solid gold mech or even a very effective camo can do that with no hassle from me.
-Now things like exp boosts or repair speedups or whatever might be in concept right now are ok with me.
A game that gives game currency in game for its item mall is acceptable, it gives some balance but if that currency is anoying or early botable then it becuase a debetrament to the games future.
For the most part as long as something is avalible in game I can accept it in item mall as long as there isnt a large gap bettween the item mall price and a reasonable time expendature for me to aquire it in game.
At this point I from the Responses ive seen from the game's dev team it seems good. They seem to be trying to keep it fair for all, without making it so the game will be dead shortly after launch. I have faith that they will do whatever is good for the majority and allows the game to be successful.
I'm sure I will take hits for grammer and spelling errors
at this point ive lost my though so if I think of things Ive forgot Ill post later.