InnerSphereNews, on 04 November 2011 - 03:21 PM, said:
<p>There are those who will rumble about Pay-2-Win, which equates to the person with the biggest wallet winning. I'm not going to lie, some things can and will allow you to acquire items faster, or even instantly with real cash.</p>
<p>Foul! Foul! You said you can't buy a tactical advantage! That's a stick! That guy with the wallet is going to be able to buy the biggest, bad assed items in the game! He's going to kick my **** with his wallet.</p>
<p>Well here's some food for thought, maybe the biggest isn't always the best! To take a quote from an early MechWarrior® presentation ' This is not your father's MechWarrior®! One of our core pillars is Role Warfare and is designed to, well ' level the playing field ' another concept from our original design. We're doing away with the arms race and making BattleMechs of all shapes and sizes have a purpose and role on the battlefield. If you love scouting, grab that light mech, train and gear it up. Be that sneaky guy who relays critical information back to the rest of your lance. Maybe you're a commander type, who loves to multitask, directing fire support, air strikes, and multiple lances in a mech suitable to that role. If you play any of these roles well, and with skill, you will be rewarded.</p>
<p>So remember this, time and experience (the real kind), will always equal greater skill. Greater skill will always equal more rewards. You can't buy skill, you earn it.</p>
I'm sorry, but this actually has me a little worried. Everyone always claims that skill>gear, but there is always a little bit of edge to be had with better gear. Take two basketball players of equal skill, and make one of them wear $20 bowling shoes. I'll bet that the one in his $200 Nikes will win.
I *KNOW* that there are f2p games out there, that rely on micropurchase systems for income, and do so quite well without being pay2win. Only collectible or cosmetic type of things that do not actually affect gameplay should be kept as purchase only. The other reason for purchases would be the impatient player who wants certain items right away, instead of waiting for that random chance from in game. I can't tell you how many times I've waited months for a certain thing, then I decide to buy it, and what happens? I get two more in the first week after buying it.
Everything that actually affects gameplay, in addition to being balanced, should be available through looting or some other "drop" type of find.
Also, certain cosmetically different "limited" items will create an in game trading economy that will result in some form of purchased item becoming the defualt trade "currency" (rather than C-bills) which people will buy in order to trade those cosmetically special items. This works very well in other f2p games, especially limited edition holiday items. A regular PPC might trade straight across for a comparable weapon system. However, one decorated with Christmas (or winter holidy for you politically correct types) lights on it would trade for a premium.
Limit the in game available skins, or even make it so all 'mechs ship with the builder's paint scheme (or you're stuck with what it had during salvage), and if players want something different, they can pay.
"Colored lenses" for lasers, so that players can change the color of their lasers to match team/lance/personal color schemes. You might even make them so that lenses "break" when removed, therefor changing back, or changing to a different color and trading the previous lense isn't an option.
Rockets/missiles that create a firework style burst instead of the normal flash and smoke, as another example.
"Rainbow" pulse lasers that fire a different color with each pulse.
All examples of weapons that are functionally the same as what can be found in game, but have a cosmetic difference that collectors or just "hey that looks cool. I want one" types will pay real cash for.
Edited by Iulianus, 01 May 2012 - 04:15 PM.