I really doubt I'm in the minority here. Simply for the reason that I paid for founders, had high expectations, now feel kinda numb about the whole thing. I'm not normally so vocal about this kind of thing, but I played battletech ruleset 1 many many years ago. Then I played mechwarrior on pc 1-4 mercs and that probably spoilt me a bit. But even to a wood duck like myself, the management of resources on this project seems askew.
Referring to the fluff items....

Seriously.... Mechanical Santa? for how much? No I don't have to buy it. But I really would like the game to be better with all the money founders invested. Why not spend the time on the game instead of making rubbish that they have already patched out. We have core game elements missing, bugs all over the joint, crashes, no decent comms,
no squads or lances, commander is useless, matchmaking s
u cks, weapons are badly balanced.... for ages, no trakir implementation when it would take them 1 hour of programming, bad lag issues and no local servers. 300 ping and trust me, ballistic weapons are mostly out, lasers need to be shot in front of targets and my non srm cicado gets totally owned every time 1 on 1 by ECM weilding ravens equipped with streaks.
Anyway, like I said. Numb. But the one thing that irritates me the most is people defending the Beta status. I thought BETA was a complete game with bugs included. Shouldn't this be alpha? Also wouldn't be an issue, but the MC system is way overpriced, they are selling fluff that is way overpriced and is insulting to people who have donated money wanting a great MW game.
As for the name, had it since BF2 came out. The tag could also mean rich tank. Yet, because a tag or name is unique and a proper noun, then meaning doesn't really matter. Panzerreich with 2 r's also just looks wrong typographically. I find Germans like to prod me about it, or I get called a national socialist, but theres no intent there at all.
Ich bin Australian und speche nicht gut deutch.