Long Overdue Issues Still An Issue.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:18 PM
LRM's were changed, changed again, then back to where it started.
PPC's got a velocity boost, but the same hit detection not registering is still there.
Net code.... (search for all 1 billion threads)
Match making... (I'm aware it was much worse before founders, but it's still an issue now)
Hit Detection in general.
Mechlab freeze
All of these issues have been addressed, discussed, and roared through and through... but somehow PGI is still ignorant about them, how?? I mean seriously... how?!?!?!
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:22 PM
Edited by superteds, 08 January 2013 - 08:23 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:28 PM
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:30 PM
Dudeman3k, on 08 January 2013 - 08:18 PM, said:
LRM's were changed, changed again, then back to where it started.
PPC's got a velocity boost, but the same hit detection not registering is still there.
Net code.... (search for all 1 billion threads)
Match making... (I'm aware it was much worse before founders, but it's still an issue now)
Hit Detection in general.
Mechlab freeze
All of these issues have been addressed, discussed, and roared through and through... but somehow PGI is still ignorant about them, how?? I mean seriously... how?!?!?!
It's like he doesn't even know how to read the forums he's posting in. nearly every single one of these things has been addressed. I mean anyone who says matchmaking and LRMs haven't changed is just a ******* moron at this point, pardon my french.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:39 PM
hammerreborn, on 08 January 2013 - 08:30 PM, said:
It's like he doesn't even know how to read the forums he's posting in. nearly every single one of these things has been addressed. I mean anyone who says matchmaking and LRMs haven't changed is just a ******* moron at this point, pardon my french.
To clearify, i've never had an issue with LRM's (except when artimis was introduced, that was an amazing fail... really shows the industries testers really know what their doing)
LRM's started at 1.8 dmg. with a decent flight path. 2 weeks later, Changed Flight Path. 1 week later, retracted flight path change. Increased LRM damage to 2. Brought in ARTIMIS, and changed flight path again. retracted flight path, and reduced LRM damage to 1.7. Set flight path back to its original path, and returned damage to 1.8
so LRM's were changed over a dozen times, just be put back to it's original state.... to be honest, they could have used that time (and money) to fix net-code, yeah?
and Matchmaking, seriously?? If you still have to find people to play with, your game should not be F2P. You wont win the casual gamers. simply put.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:51 PM
Dudeman3k, on 08 January 2013 - 08:39 PM, said:
To clearify, i've never had an issue with LRM's (except when artimis was introduced, that was an amazing fail... really shows the industries testers really know what their doing)
LRM's started at 1.8 dmg. with a decent flight path. 2 weeks later, Changed Flight Path. 1 week later, retracted flight path change. Increased LRM damage to 2. Brought in ARTIMIS, and changed flight path again. retracted flight path, and reduced LRM damage to 1.7. Set flight path back to its original path, and returned damage to 1.8
so LRM's were changed over a dozen times, just be put back to it's original state.... to be honest, they could have used that time (and money) to fix net-code, yeah?
and Matchmaking, seriously?? If you still have to find people to play with, your game should not be F2P. You wont win the casual gamers. simply put.
I'll let you read what you wrote and see one very large change that wasn't originally there. The fact that you could write that paragraph and conclude your original statement just reinforces my point. Heres a hint...I bolded it. Also, think about the bolded thing, and you'll also be able to think of 3 other systems that have changed how LRMs operate as a whole.
If we want to complain about numbers and "flight paths" then medium laser damage is a long standing issue! WHY HASN'T THIS BE CHANGED PGI!!!!! CURSE YOU!!!! /ragequit
Edited by hammerreborn, 08 January 2013 - 08:52 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:57 PM
Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:51 PM
hammerreborn, on 08 January 2013 - 08:51 PM, said:
I'll let you read what you wrote and see one very large change that wasn't originally there. The fact that you could write that paragraph and conclude your original statement just reinforces my point. Heres a hint...I bolded it. Also, think about the bolded thing, and you'll also be able to think of 3 other systems that have changed how LRMs operate as a whole.
If we want to complain about numbers and "flight paths" then medium laser damage is a long standing issue! WHY HASN'T THIS BE CHANGED PGI!!!!! CURSE YOU!!!! /ragequit
lol wow, you are one dumb guy, hahaha. how you turned this into a "this is so OP!!!!" post is beyond me. hahahaha, how on earth did you get that impression?? hahahahahahaha, your daft nature certainly gave me a good laugh, thanks, needed that after another disappointing "patch".
But, for the record. If you know, the LRM's are still LRMs.... and not ARTIMIS LRM's. hahaha, sure, you can equip ARTIMIS, but ughhhh.... was talking about LRM's. hahahaha, the (not ARTIMIS LRM's) going through multiple changes, just to get set right back to the original way it functioned months ago, vs. trying to fix bugs. lol... dude, sometimes **** you guys say is actually pretty hilarious.
"It's like he doesn't even know how to read the forums he's posting in. nearly every single one of these things has been addressed"
lol, and if you read the very last sentence of my post, you can see I already know they have been addressed (in the forums, by us)... many, many many times. hahahahahahahhaha, are you drunk?! lol
Edited by Dudeman3k, 08 January 2013 - 09:55 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 09:59 PM
Krazy Kat, on 08 January 2013 - 08:57 PM, said:
actually each patch has been one step up two steps back, yes the op doesn't make his points well but a lot of things have been changed, changed again. aditions made then more changes and changes and after so many months we've still got many game hampering problems that is quiet simply embarressing now. other than over powered missles and lack of attention to energy weapons balancing i'd have to say the game played much better in november than it does now, op stuff is way too prominent, objectives in games are ignored cause they're not getting the rewards they should and 2 dozen other problems have been highlighted by literally thousands of posts. game is in trouble and approaching laughing stock. PGI you are seriously running out of time to gain any credibility from the amount of gamers you need to keep this going.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:09 PM
Dudeman3k, on 08 January 2013 - 08:18 PM, said:
Please stop being mellow dramatic and pretending that the game is released.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 08 January 2013 - 10:10 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:14 PM
Krazy Kat, on 08 January 2013 - 08:57 PM, said:
*blink blink* The Artemis vertical rain of death patch was a step up? The UAC/5 patch was a step up? Collision removal patch? Everything was a step up? I'm not say there's been no fixes and forward movement but that every patch was positive is clearly debatable.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:16 PM
Quit crying about someone crying and finally once and for ******* all come to the conclusion that no matter what you would like, say or do that this is going to come up time and time again until fixed or resolved.
Now you have me crying about you crying about them crying. It's a vicious cycle.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:17 PM
Thirdstar, on 08 January 2013 - 10:14 PM, said:
How can you be so blind? They fixed the vertical issue. Can you not understand that when implementing new content, there's obviously going to be bugs to follow? This is the whole point of beta. I think you forgot to scrape your feet on the Welcome mat?
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 08 January 2013 - 10:19 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:23 PM
MoonUnitBeta, on 08 January 2013 - 10:17 PM, said:
Poster said every patch was a step up. I disagreed. What does your reply have to do with either of those two points? Perhaps you want to calm down a bit before knee jerking.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:28 PM
MoonUnitBeta, on 08 January 2013 - 10:09 PM, said:
Please stop being mellow dramatic and pretending that the game is released.
Your right, on many occasions they have stated "we're working on it internally"... but seriously, do you remember the ARTIMIS patch? We know they "tested" that before it was released, and do you remember the fail it rained down? Do you remember the DHS they "tested" and how heat is still a big issue even after it?? Do you remember the thousands and thousands of threads exclaiming "fix the PPC plz!!!"... and just but a month ago, they FINALLY realized it was generating too much heat?? even after we've been telling them, for MONTHS?!?!
lol, sorry, but when they say "working internally" I immediately think of ARTIMIS and DHS.... and it makes me sad. They can't afford to trust the people "internally" and they wont listen to us, their actually testers.
MoonUnitBeta, on 08 January 2013 - 10:17 PM, said:
and I think you forgot to mention the incompetent "internal" testing they did with that before release..... I swear they don;t even play their own game.
Edited by Dudeman3k, 08 January 2013 - 10:30 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:33 PM
Dudeman3k, on 08 January 2013 - 10:28 PM, said:
I'm sorry, but everyone needs to understand the situation a bit more and get it through their heads that it's a WIP. I'm sure you don't hover over people while they're drawing and go "DUDE WTF THOSE LINES ARE TOTALLY NOT STRAIGHT! **** YOU SUCK! YOU'RE NEVER GANNA BE GOOD AT DRAWING!"
Let him sketch it out, then use those sketch lines to draw finer lines, and then let him fill in details, and add shading, and you'll see that that's the process of progress.
Now I know it's asking a lot, but take that example, annnnnnnnnnd.... plunk it down onto MWO. *cringe* i knew it wouldn't work. I'm sorry. But they're at the part of drawing the fine lines, and shaping out the game. They're adding details as they go, and shading comes later when they're comfortable with the look. God forbid that they ever use that eraser should they ever make a mistake.
Stop expecting that each patch is going to be great. I said it before. It's beta. You are going to get bugs, things that slip though. I said it before, that's the whole point of beta. I really think you're trolling at this point because you defy all logic.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 08 January 2013 - 10:35 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:43 PM
I am expecting the next patch to be great.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 10:52 PM
MoonUnitBeta, on 08 January 2013 - 10:33 PM, said:
I'm sorry, but everyone needs to understand the situation a bit more and get it through their heads that it's a WIP. I'm sure you don't hover over people while they're drawing and go "DUDE WTF THOSE LINES ARE TOTALLY NOT STRAIGHT! **** YOU SUCK! YOU'RE NEVER GANNA BE GOOD AT DRAWING!"
Let him sketch it out, then use those sketch lines to draw finer lines, and then let him fill in details, and add shading, and you'll see that that's the process of progress.
Now I know it's asking a lot, but take that example, annnnnnnnnnd.... plunk it down onto MWO. *cringe* i knew it wouldn't work. I'm sorry. But they're at the part of drawing the fine lines, and shaping out the game. They're adding details as they go, and shading comes later when they're comfortable with the look. God forbid that they ever use that eraser should they ever make a mistake.
Stop expecting that each patch is going to be great. I said it before. It's beta. You are going to get bugs, things that slip though. I said it before, that's the whole point of beta. I really think you're trolling at this point because you defy all logic.
Right, I agree. it is a process to get these things right, hick up's are going to happen, and time is needed... however, The forums have been a great process tool for PGI (minus the emotional QQ threads)... devoted MW enthusiasts even took time to graph, crunch numbers, and write very very insightful, helpful data for PGI to use (and they didn't even get paid for it), but what did PGI do? nothing...... did they listen? clearly not, if so some of these 6 month+ issues would have been smoothed over by now, 6 months later.
Hickups, we know everyone is entitled to mistakes, but how credible is their "internal" testers if they can't smooth something so OBVIOUSLY broken (intro to ARTIMIS) or something that is clearly not working right (DHS, and it's still not working right! lol, on top of that, they opt to change the weapon stats vs, tackle heat..... it's completely backwards). They aren't even using an "eraser" to fix their misfindings. It's like getting a tattoo and finding a discrepancy. Instead of just getting the thing removed, they just go over it with a tribal pattern and hope it doesn't get uglier.
Time, this wouldn't have been a great deal of an issue if most of these problems were fixed already. it's been well over half a year with the SAME issues. Issues that have been beaten to hell, but yet they remain. They are either incapable of fixing them, or don't care to fix them.... and that is either lack of motivation, or lack of work ethic. I'm fine with waiting..... but seriously, Half a year with the same deficiencies?? Come on.
Edited by Dudeman3k, 08 January 2013 - 11:02 PM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 11:10 PM
If your goal is to suck $$$ out of Battletech IP then presumably they will keep the game in 'BETA' for its entire lifespan, producing overpriced bobbleheads just in case your little brother logs in and spends your MC on them.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 11:16 PM
So, hopefully I'll be able to say "I remember when the entire forum was ECM this, issues that, flame wars here, community warfare began when open beta came, etc". To me, they seem confident about their progress, their awareness to the issues, and are working towards fixing them at the same time trying to bring the game closer to their goals.
While the patch notes aren't 15 pages long of fixes that everyone hopes to see, they're taking it in bite-sized chunks. And as for the tripping, that fix couldn't be done in bite-sized chunks. They need to start with the movement, with the netcode, and a series of other things for them to get to the point where they aren't band-aiding over problems and trying to stitch the wound afterwards. They took out away some of the fluff that they rushed into the game, and they're working on ironing out more important things that need to be done first. So while everyone can make thread topics like OP and easily list all of the problems, it's not so easy to take the time and explain the amount of good within the cluster!#$% that people exaggerate and let their impatience and ignorance shine though like the sun.
I'm all for feedback, yes they need to be informed of bad things, but also good things. However, threads like this do absolutely nothing for PGI in regards to feedback. Like wtf do they do with a thread like this, that lists issues that they're 10000% aware of?? NOTHING. It divides people, and puts a ****-block on the ACTUAL feedback. It's no wonder that you noticed they don't listen, because who wants to listen to this 5H17???? When the forums actually pull up their socks and stop using threads as their personal blog, maybe PGI would actually come here and talk to people, and use the feedback people give. Come on.
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