Inspired by Athena's excellent thread, I've decided to document the process... playing the game from the beginning under the same circumstances the a new users faces. This means grinding out with starter mechs until I can earn my own, etc... and documenting the experience here. I hope some of you find it interesting.
Match 1
Mech: RVN-2X
Mode: Assault
Time of day: 4:30PM EST
Result: Defeat 8 v 1
This was a bad start. Simply put, I didn't realize that all of the graphic and control settings were tied to the user and not the computer. Started the match and it was 1280x720 on my 34" screen, which is almost unberable. Worse, the input mapping was all screwed up, so for example, left click didnt shoot. I had to use 1-6 to shoot and I never got used to it. Took me a while to figure out what was going on then it was too late. Team got absolutely rolled... I certainly didn't help them.
Mech Details:
Hard to judge at this point, barely got to play it. Weapon load out are reasonable. 1LL, 2 ML. Top speed is a farse. Light mech with a top speed of 81km/h? How do you spell deathtrap?

Match 2
Mech: CN9-D
Mode: Assault
Time of day: 4:30PM EST
Result: Defeat 8 v 3
Another technical problem, something i've run into in the past. On my G700 mouse, pressing button 5 went back to its default behavior ( minimize to the desktop ). Needless to say, when I launched my LRMs and found myself staring at my desktop... crap.
Match itself was a bit more balanced... tons of friendly fire though ( ask JMan5, he was there ). Opposing team played it well and emerged from tunnels taking us from behind. Once that happened, all fire control broke down and it became a festival of friendly fire. My damage was down since my LRM10 was out of action.
Mech Details:
Mech is actually reasonable. LBX AC10, 2 ML, 1 LRM10. Not a loudout I would pick, but not terrible. LBX is a lousy primary weapon, but heat was atleast manageable with this build. That said, I died after an overheat shutdown, so still not ideal... but truth told, that was more pilot error than the mech.

Match 3
Mech: DRG-5N
Mode: Conquest
Time of day: 4:57PM EST
Result: Victory 8 v 2
Lots of cheese. 3 ECM Ravens in the other team, plus an ECM Atlas. Effectively took LRM out of the fight. Fortunately, the 3l drivers where @#$#$ing awful... straight line runners, easy to take down, lagshield or not. Mech started with us having a disconnect and them down a man, so it evened out.
Mech Details:
WTF are they thinking????? The stock Dragon 5n is verging on useless.
Main gun is an Ultra AC5 with... 25 shots! I hit 80% of the time, that's my total damage output before my AC ran out of ammo. After that it left me with a single medium laser. This mech is HORRIBLE. Especially if an ECM heavy fight where your LRMs are useless. 25 shots??? Seriously??? Only saving grace, I managed to leg one of those raven ********... but only had a ML left to kill him with... and couldn't. More ammo and I would have had atleast that kill to my credit. Seriously if they dropped a ton of LRM ammo and upped the UAC5 ammo, it might be almost useful.

Match 4
Mech: STK-3f
Mode: Conquest
Time of day: 5:13PM EST
Result: Defeat 8 v 0 ( but 2 assists and a TK... you figure that one out )
Team got pretty much rolled. Lot of cheese Raven 3ls again, possible a 4some of them, at least 3. You can't pick a worse combination of level + gamemode for a Stalker than River City + Conquest. Again, ended 8v0 but I got 2 kill assists... This was one of those dreaded Raven cheese fights. On top of that, the use Gareths Dad killed himself 30 seconds in... haven't seen a suicide in a while.
Mech Details:
Mech is way overly complicated for new users... 5 weapon groups. 4ML, 2LL, 2xLRM10, 2xSRM6. Nowhere near enough heat to manage them. Remapped ML to be on a single chainfire group, chain fired the LL, and still spent 3/4 of the match shutdown or waiting for my heat to fall. This mech is WAYYYYYYYYY under heat sinked and is certainly not appropriate to a beginner. 2xSRM6 at least is a reasonable deterrent for a murder of cheese Ravens.

Match 5
Mech: RVN-2X
Mode: Conquest
Time of day: 5:30PM EST
Result: Defeat 8 v 1
Lost a player to a bug right off the hop.
Mech Details:
Ok... this time I had my keyboard/resolution/mouse setup, so I can properly evaluate the Raven 2X.
It's @$$#ing horrid. A 81km/h light mech, that itself is terrible. On top, the weapon load out of 1LL, 2ML and an SRM6 sound great, but are beyond useless. The single large laser spikes the heat out nearly 60%. Just the LL and 2 ML will shutdown the mech. You need to be down around 40% heat or lower to fire the SRM6 without shutting down. This mech would be 10x more viable if it had an XL engine and used the spare weight for heat sinks. Even as a veteran of the game, heat management in this mech is a nightmare, but the speed isn't high enough to let you scout, and the weapons arent enough to let you stand and fight.
Again, this mech is absolutely useless.

After 5 matches, 4 defeats, 1 victory, 2,341,430 c-bills and 46 GXP earned.
From this point on I will drop the completely useless trial mechs.
This means the RVN-2X and DRG-5N are getting the axe. The STK and CN9 aren't great ( they are outright bad actually ), but compared to those other two they are downright amazing. I always new the trial mechs weren't got, but I hadn't realized how horrid they really are.
If you are playing now, using trial mechs, go with the Centurian. The Dragon could have been an option... but 1 ton of reloads for the main gun is just moronic.
In the next update, I will stick to Mech/Mode/Results only, until i've earned enough to buy a mech at least ( or 20 matches, whichever comes first ).
Edited by Serapth, 14 January 2013 - 03:45 PM.