Q: Does the general negativity and unrealistic expectations on the forums dishearten you at all? Or does it make you try even harder to please these particular individuals? [The Dutchmun]
A: It's hard not to have it affect one at all; generally it just makes people around the office less likely to read over the forums. I still do though, and for every negative/unrealistic expection filled post, there are dozens of PM's, emails, and threads that are the opposite. Also, we're dealing with long-time fans of a very old IP, so we expect people to be passionate. If I could have any one thing though, it would be the understanding that:
A) we're barely a year into development, and

While I will not call the Dev's lazy and I know they are not, I fully realize and understand exactly how far they have come in a years time with this game, I really do, and for that my hat is off to them.
What struck me as odd from my standpoint is the reason for the negativity. As far as I am concerned you have opened the game up to everyone who wishes to pay, you are taking the money, and yet the game should still be in early closed beta, there are simply to many issues its having. I have no idea the financials of PGI and I am sure the publisher pushed for release to get money to come in. But am I the only that feels this should still be in early closed beta?