Imperius, on 20 January 2013 - 11:37 PM, said:
Dude the game needs a tutorial. It's part of making the game fun to "NEW" players. Showing them how to blow off limbs and use lock on hit the x key to stop your mech to a dead stop. Set up weapons so they don't alpha each time or think they have to hit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to use their weapons when they could just map 1 and 2 unless they want 1-5 control. Etc its very needed. Telling them they have thermal and crappy night vision. New people need a basic tutorial so they don't get overwhelmed and quit never retuning to the game.
Why the hell would anyone need a tutorial. just run through the key settings and you see all possible actions. if not, you'll learn it in action.
I've played rather many games so far and never ever I have wasted my time reading tutorials, lmao.
When I buy something, including tv-sets, computers, any digital staff - I never ever open a tutorial. Oh, sorry, I'm lying, one thing always makes me look into the tutorial - new washing machines - you always have to look up what programms are for washig your socks
there's a good saying here: the Russian open the tutorials only when the thing is already broken. That's true.