Bryan Ekman, on 22 January 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:
Q: Are you going to introduce Europe located server? If yes, when?
A: Yes. 2013.
Q: Is your team discouraged at all by the community outrage?
A: It hurts, and you are always amazed at how nasty people can be. Some days you don’t want to deal with it. But you suck it up and try and understand why someone would call you an ***** or *******, or threaten you. I can’t tell you how many people complain, yet play dozens if not hundreds of matches a day, and spend significant amounts of money. I generally don’t take it to heart any more, especially when comments come from someone who has 100s or 1000s of posts. It’s the guy who has 1 post that I’m worried about. It took something significantly good or bad for them to come and make a post, and we tend to listen to them more carefully. And before you all go off about not listening to the core fans, we still listen to you as well.
In the end, we always try our best to have compassion and see through the screen in hopes of understanding why people say the things they do. The CR team in Montreal are truly amazing people that deal with a very vocal and passionate user base, taking lumps left and right with little to no thanks. (IMHO you need to start a thank you CR team thread. Hint Hint)
Wohoo, european servers :-)
And don't let you drag down from harsh negative comments :-) Most of them don't have a clue. BUT you are the guys who get the chance to develop this awesome game ;-)