Hi all, Bryan and all the people at PGI!
First of all, thanks for one of the best Q&A - "Ask the devs", post i've seen so far.

And on top of that, thanks for actively communicating along the way after the OP, which for me at least, shows a lot.
At this point i would like to say something to some ppl that posted "OH, Don't thank him, its his job to do that blah, blah blah..." They are either a$$holes, or, have never left cyberspace to live in Real Life outside the PC room. OF COURSE IT IS HIS JOB, AND WHEN ONE DOES HIS JOB, PEOPLE *DO* THANK HIM FOR THAT. WHEN ONE GOES TO A STORE AND BUY SOMETHING AND IS PLEASED WITH THE SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE STAFF THEY SAY, *THANK YOU* AND THE STAFF THEN SMILES AND WELCOMES THEM. Of course it was the staffs' job to provide that service. They did not Spit you in the face, nor SHOULD YOU, because it was 'their job' to serve you.
on another note, I am not a regular poster, although i must have gone through most of the forum in my time within the game, 'cause i like to stay informed, especially with a product i am very very interested and excited about

(AKA Loyal Fan of Mechwarrior since early 90's). I choose when and where to post.
So it felt like this was a good place and time to post just a little suggestion i would like to make, firstly quoting another post i read earlier. So here it is;
Gorasus, on 22 January 2013 - 09:05 PM, said:
This is my first post, and it's my first post because till now, I haven't seen any words or actions from PGI that would seem to imply that you actually cared about what the player base has to say.
This latest 'Ask The Devs' post has gone a long way to convince me otherwise. You're at least listening. Now prove it with actions.

In my opinion, the most pressing things in the game which need attention are the following:
There are a lot of not-great players in the game and players who are also new. When starting any new game, you have to figure out how to aim, and with the hit registration being
so off, it's hard to learn how to land hits, let alone become consistant. Almost every match I've played in the past month has been weighted towards light mechs lagshielding. These two things greatly hinder new players trying to start out, and and make me extremely frustrated (I would consider myself above average for aiming skill, with obvious bias accounted for).
When coupled with light mechs and netcode, ECM forms a triad of misery. With lights warping around and rubber banding through objects occasionally, it's difficult to tell where a light actually is. Since you can't tell where they
actually are it is difficult to aim. Even when you visually see your lasers impacting you can't trust your peepers, so you have to have a target lock to be able to determine if you are actually hitting. ECM prevents this, further complicating things.
A suggested interim change would be to mimic MW4. MW4 ECM was powerful, but not dominating as it is in MWO.
MWO maps(small) and play style(no respawn) are such that everyone
must get into a tight group, or you lose. Every mechanic in the game is favourable towards a solidified group moving as one. As such, the interpretation of guardian ECM providing coverage out to 180m is not accurate in it's effect upon the new, different game that is MWO. Any final fix should include a smaller range, and not as complete of an effect. Also one other quick point: the TAG laser is just light, there should be no reason for TAG not workign under 180m, unless you intend to also make small, medium, and large lasers also not work against ECM under 180m. It's all just light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
I haven't had the chance to play with this, but it would be glorious. There is nothing more frustrating than lining up an AC-20 on my hunchy-4g and smacking a commando in the face (with visual and ragdoll hit confirmed), only to see them zip on past at 120kph. The kinetic force of the AC-20 round, coupled with the convergence speed of the commando should send that little ****** into a world of hurt, creating a damaging effect much greater than the AC-20 round would be capable of by itself. Think Civil War muskets...if you got hit in the arm by a musketball, your arm would get ripped off at the shoulder...if you were lucky.
Also, lasers should be able to knock down mechs. Mechs stay upright because of thier gyroscope. Gyroscopes can be overloaded by any number of means, whether it's a kinetic impact, or a sudden and rapid loss of mass caused by laser damage. A simple way to implement this would be if any certain part of a mech registered a certain percentage of damage in a set timeframe, your gyroscope has a
chance of overload.
There are a lot of other things that I would like to see happen, but at this point I'm going on longer than I think I'm warranted.
The first two points, netcode and ecm changes are absolutely neccessary, and knockdown comes a close third.
Although Gorasus' heart is in the right place, indicating some issues he and most players have in the battlefield, and i know many new players are disheartened by them, solving them as we say "ASAP", to me is not a viable solution, in the short term. So my suggestion if i may is this, and been said by others as well. A lobby system and manual matchmaking should go up first, to allow players to organise the matches they choose, against players they choose etc. I am not a programmer by occupation (although an experienced user), and wouldn't know the effort or time it requires to implement it, but having one could be the hidden treasure the game is looking for. And by that i mean, that it would solve problems like "OH these lights...", "OH this ECM BS...", "OH these PREMADES...", "OH this netcode..." people keep raging on and on and on.... And why? Because... You don't want lights in the game, people choose not to take one in drop, you don't like ECM in your fight, no ECM in drop, Want to go WARP 9 Mr.Sulu, everybody takes 25-35 ton mechs and have a speed fest in the field.

Ofcourse, automatic matchmaking should by no means be taken out, as i find it one of the more interesting and challenging features of the game.
On top of that i feel that it would keep the interest to this game at very high levels, since leagues will form, merc corps etc etc, people will drop to train more with comrades, against comrades -in- arms, facilitate battles against other people, and so on. In my opinion, not even lag will matter anymore because of this (we didn't mind in the 90's). So in the end it should provide a more friendly environment for all, and the means for all of you guys to polish the game as you choose.
Just my 2 cents there,
Thanks again, and see you all in the battlefield !
EDIT: Spelling
Edited by Brut4ce, 23 January 2013 - 01:24 AM.