If you can find one, I highly recommend a Microsoft Strategic Commander for MWO. I use the open source Strategic Engine drivers and UI by Bodyphat (Philip Merwarth) within Windows 7/8 and can honestly say it's far better than any Keyboard/Mouse combo, Game controller (I've tried most e.g. N52, BearClaw etc) or Joystick for MWO action. The sad thing is MS brought these devices out about a decade too early, if they were available now I think they'd sell really well.

Above is what they look like. It gives you three axis movement with your left hand, so for MWO I control steering, torso twist and throttle. Plus there are a number of programmable keys. My own set up means I have instant access to different weapon groups, night/thermal vision, I use the small 'map' key for jump jets, the 'record' key for tab targeting etc. The only extra you need with this device is a piece of bluetac to hold it in place on your desk. If anyone has one, or buys one from eBay etc and needs assistance settings it up you're welcome to PM me for help.
Edited by Torquemada, 30 January 2013 - 02:40 AM.