- The vets/commanders not having to type their fingers off starting every match, repeating simple guidelines every single time
- The quality of PUG matches would rise, less disorganization, more enjoyable matches
- Reduce rage at teammates because of huge mistakes/poor tactical choices
These frustrations will just rise with CW introduced, as people will no longer feel indifferent if they win or not, and the blame game will rise to the whole another level.
Here are a few, tips could be selected randomly.
- Stick with the meat of your team! Let the lights go alone, they are scouts, and can get out of situations you cant!
- You run faster, but die faster with XL engine, chose wisely! (For all the XL atlas players I've seen)
Grimlox, on 23 January 2013 - 04:10 PM, said:
- Do NOT fire off your weapons at the start of the match. Wait until the team spreads a bit then check your radar and if no one is near then fire into the ground immediately in front of you.
- Do NOT shoot through your teammates in an effort to get the killing blow on a crippled enemy.
- Do NOT walk in front of your teammates that are firing their weapons, Always take the extra second to walk behind your teammates line of fire.
- In a situation where multiple teammates are firing on an enemy do NOT try to give the enemy a big hug in your effort to alpha their face. You are blocking your teammates line of fire, causing them to either waste time or shoot you. That one kill could cost you the match with the friendly fire you take and the extra time to kill your target while your teammates are likely being fired upon.
- Do NOT chase the lone light.damaged mech while the rest of your team is engaged in a brawl with the rest of their team. Half of your team running after a crippled light mech will get the other half of your team killed as they are outnumbered 7-4 on the front lines.
- Do NOT crowd up behind your teammates in a narrow area and attack in a lineup using your teammates as a meatshield. This will result in your team getting focus fired and dropped 1 by 1 while you are unable to bring the bulk of your firepower to bear. Spread out and allow your teammates room/time to form up.
- Do NOT body block your teammates that are trying to backpedal or otherwise escape fire.
- Be aware of your teammates movement. Some styles involve your teammates circling the enemy mech and firing as they go. Time your attacks to have a small gap as your teammate passes your line of fire and continues circling the target
- If you have multiple teammates attacking a single target remember this one golden rule. The mech being targeted by the enemy always has the right of way. Your teammate is taking the brunt of the attack for you, give them consideration in firing lane, and maneuvering room.
- If you are being targeted by multiple mechs seek out teammates and call for help, use as much cover as possible, and lead the multiple mechs away from the fight if you cannot rejoin your team. If you are tying up 2+ enemies with your 1 mech then your team has an advantage.
- If you are a fast mech and the base is under attack in assault then head to your base and buy some time while asking for backup while you are enroute.
- Do NOT run off on your own and die. Accidents happen while scouting, but don't get caught by groups of enemies for no good reason.
- DO stay with your team for mutual support and play WITH them while utilizing the advice above.
- When you die be a team player and relay the last things you saw before you died (enemy position, composition, etc.) and offer any helpful advice to those teammates that may be missing vital information you can relay through spectator mode.
Soda Popinsky, on 01 February 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:
- The mouse only aims, it doesn't steer. Steer with WASD
Jabilo, on 01 February 2013 - 09:51 AM, said:
- PPCs and LRMs have a minimum range.
Feel free to add.

Edited by Chavette, 16 April 2013 - 01:43 PM.