I just dropped out of a match where I and my team were steamrolled in the purest sense. That said... now wait for it... I'm not here to complain or whine.

I was on the losing side of some spectacular teamwork and am both envious and awestruck...
My team dropped on the low/south side of Frozen. Quickly we set up to hold the ridge. First an Atlas pops it's head over the ridge to peak and recede. Next peeked a Gaussecat, this too receded quickly. Next a Commando which ran through our ranks and lured 3 of our pilots over the ridge to die by a shower of missiles. The rest of us hold fast...
Next thing you know we are getting popped from our flank which quickly followed by a charge over the ridge and the ensuing rush smashed our remaining 8 mechs and that was that...
Post match analysis: The mechs that were peaking, were doing so to keep our attention on the ridge while a couple of their heavy hitters quietly took the tunnel, snuk in close while we concentrated on the ridge. Lastly, they coordinated the rush to where their flankers drew our attention off the ridge allowing their remaining pilots to rushed us unabated and then concertedly whooped us good.
Thing is... While I didn't necessarily like getting my butt kicked... I could not help but admire the masterful battle plan they executed.
This ^^^ This is the stuff that makes me go "wow" about this game and this is what keeps drawing me back night after night.
Didn't have time to catch who this team was but "kudos" for one hell of a battle plan!
Edited by DaZur, 26 January 2013 - 09:03 PM.