SECOND: No godmodding or grandstanding if you can help it. This is planned to be the gritty reality of the 31st century and you will be playing guys that are just more cogs in the great gear of life.
THIRD: While there is no requirement for a character sheet that itemizes your character into a list of numerical values, telling you the chance of you completing an action, it also won't be frowned on if you grab a book and let me know a little of what your character is capable of. (I use MW3rd Ed)
To apply, send me a PM with your character concept. I want a person here, not "He is a Mechwarrior with an Atlas". Hopes and fears. Some background on who he or she was before they found themselves on Galatia 3 and what they are looking for. You can have a mech... or a tank or a fighter... or a gun, and a willingness to go to war for that matter. I will be accepting all types of characters, and while I have seen lots flock to mechs, I know that infantry can be a gas too, Cavalry can be deadly as hell, and aerojocks are for keeping the skys clear of the enemy. I will also entertain technicians, marines, dropship and jumpship crews and so on. Gabriel Alexander Dante III is a rich little frak, and he has a lot of posistions that need filling. Come up with a concept, and I will try to make it happen.
People that the unit NEEDS to have to really get going... (I will update this list as people apply.)
- Gabriel Alexander Dante III, Commanding Officer. Callsign: War [GAD III]
- Oscar (Susan) Fitzroy; Callsign: Triumph
- [Rogue Spear], Mechwarrior. Callsign:
- Katja Theros, Mechwarrior. Callsign: Ghost...?
- Ivan Wolfman, Mechwarror/Sapper. Callsign: Ghost...?
- Althalus Hepburn, Callsign: Pilot [Rogue Spear]
- Victory Hepburn, Callsign: Dallas [Oni Storm]
- Janus Exodus, Callsign: Vanguard [Dal10]
- Michael Graves; Callsign: Puff
- Nelson Vander Reese; Callsign: Lightbringer (Lord Nelson/Old Man)
I hate to step on it Dal, but for one, the unit is too big for the ship that War has at the moment, but keep the Lemmings on the back burner for later in the game maybe. Also, there isn't enough room for the vehicles.
Notes of Import:
We are a mechwarrior short...
Nelson, you park your mech in the mech repair bays (there are 2)
Puff takes up 2 of the stacked vehicle slots in Bay 11
Vanguard takes up 1 of the stacked vehicle slots in Bay 11
(This means there is 1 Vehicle Slot Left)
The three mechwarriors present use slots 1 - 3
Slot 4 - 8 are empty.
Slot 9 & 10 are the battlemech repair facility GAD III has secured from god knows where and installed in the mech bay of the heavily modified Union Class Ship Red Horse.
Slot 11 is a stacked vehicle bay, using lifts and other such devices to store up to 4 vehicles in a vertical fashion.
Slot 12 is filled with some kind of special mine laying or bombing gear no one has really seen before. Looks Custom that.
Both of the Aerospace slots carry 70 ton experimental LAMs.
Red Horse, is a heavily modified Union Class Ship, painted blood red and black. It has a strange "Bubbled" appearance to the upper decks, and once inside it becomes apparent that there are three new decks added, directly above the Aerospace bays, but before the original decks. They are filled as follows.
Deck 1 (Upper most): This deck contains extended offices, mess halls and lounges for long term travel, as well as GAD III's highly sophisticated Command Center (which at this point is completely sealed).
Deck 2 (Middle Deck): This deck contains 4 new weapons emplacement bays, quarters for extended crew and troops.
Deck 3 (Lower Most): This deck contains extra life support gear, and more quarters for extended crew and troops, mostly used by the technicians aboard, as well as an extensive gym to keep the personnel fit on long excursions.
Edited by Gabriel Alexander Dante III, 10 October 2012 - 12:27 PM.