We need more carrots on sticks - players love rewards for playing. Expanding salvage with loot for rare, improved weapons ie
Clan tech
unique Inner Sphere weapons like a Defiance B3M Medium laser which provides a bonus like +1 damage to armor, but creates +.5 heat over the standard medium lasers. Normal mech sensors would pick it up as a standard medium laser on the target readout, Beagle active probe would identify it as a unique medium laser.
After a battle a MechWarrior has a chance to receive a salvaged chassis if they made a kill. Salvaged chassis can be opened by basic techs for free and provide a random amount of c-bills. Hiring advanced techs with MC or large sum of C-bills gives a chance for boosted C-bill earning, or the chance for a unique weapon, or in the case of a clan Chassis, salvaged Clan tech.
In order to install Clan Tech on an Inner Sphere chassis, the player must purchase a module that takes a module slot that allows the installation of Clan weapons/equipment.
Edited by DocBach, 05 February 2013 - 11:28 AM.