Imperial X, on 01 February 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:
You realized the game is not fun for new players ? Your NOT new players. So how exactly can you even suggest that its not fun for them ? Dropping solo is not a new player experience. Unless you just started this game and are still in cadet bonus, not to mention the excitement of this being a brand new game to try out, you can't speak for new players. Lets have them speak for themselves, thanks.
the flood QQ i'm quitting threads from new players that bother post is obvious enough for an obvious troll like me...
Mercules, on 01 February 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:
I don't 4 man to pugstomp. I 4 man to hang out with 3 friends. We don't bring "Optimized" builds although we sometimes compliment each other in that if my friend wants to run one of his LRM Cats others of us will bring TAG or I'll jump in my mech with TAG and ECM.
yes, not all 4-mans are formed to stomp pugs...
but what will account for the big disparity of WLR between PUGs & Premades?
we have a lobby & comms via 3rd party albeit...
we are not better players than PUGs...
please try typing "Charlie Atlas in Echo 4, open Rear Torso" while PUGging.
I am basically saying what Garth is saying albeit with more troll for flair...
Garth Erlam, on 29 January 2013 - 08:10 AM, said:
The ELO in matchmaking phase 3 should help with to start - everyone being matched against similar skilled opponents will be a good start. Also, we'll keep adding to it as time goes on and we see what needs to be done/changed/added/etc. Also, while I do agree with you it's very sad when larger corps/clans will run 4 mans to intentionally beat up on newer players. It sucks, but maybe the fact we can see them doing it will change their mind, I dunno. People often talk a big game and then realise what it entails, and well...
On the other hand though, virtually every post about a 'loss' here claims it was against a premade - but when I check the logs, I find it wasn't (and if it was, it was a pair or friends or something.)
To sum though, I challenge those who do drop in 4mans to try solo dropping for awhile. See how the other side lives. Yes you'll RUN back to TS3 when you're done, sure, but I hope you also see why they complain about it. Being in a 4man doesn't guarantee a win, just like being a lone wolf doesn't guarantee you'll lose. However, a 4man guarantees that team DOES NOT have four new players, and makes it more likely the opposing teams will.
So if nothing else, maybe invite a new player into your 4man and show him the ropes. Keep rotating people through every week. I understand the vast majority of 4man groups are just doing it to play with their friends, but I think you also know, if in the back of your mind, you have an unfair advantage. So help the newbies out and show them the ropes.
EDIT: placing Garth's full post (bold emphasis mine)
Edited by Mycrus, 01 February 2013 - 11:32 AM.