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#4901 Captain Fabulous


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:16 PM

Is that the Big Lebowski I spy or am I just too tired?

#4902 Watchit


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:29 PM

View PostCaptain Fabulous, on 04 July 2012 - 10:16 PM, said:

Is that the Big Lebowski I spy or am I just too tired?

It is indeed, and 100% canon B)

#4903 Captain Fabulous


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:31 PM

I never noticed that! I'm gonna have to go watch it again.

The bowling was one of the CMC episodes, right?

#4904 Sikreci


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Posted 04 July 2012 - 10:39 PM

View PostCaptain Fabulous, on 04 July 2012 - 10:31 PM, said:

I never noticed that! I'm gonna have to go watch it again.

The bowling was one of the CMC episodes, right?

The Cutie Pox. That episode gets a bad rap, but it's pretty decent.

#4905 Souske Sagara


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:02 AM

With respect, I have to say that this is still a children's show, of a franchise aimed at girls. Lauren Faust didn't 'transcend' the label, and its not sad that people ignore that. The 'little girls show' label is a falsity, created through a lack of interest by stuffed suits to create something for a market they (as mostly old males) do not understand and thus do not want to explore. The concept of something girly or for girls being stupid and cheap product placement is in my opinion a terrible thing. Lauren Faust ignored the girly label; she created a show for girls that didn't insult their intelligence. This was her intent from the word go, and she delivered on it well. FiM is such an ideal girls show that it completely disregards the stereotype of girls shows being stupid and being weak product placement.

The fact that we adult (mostly) males have been drawn into the lure of FiM's brilliance shows, if anything, that American cartoons in general have sucked for too long. For every Faust project there are literally dozens of terrible cartoons out there; the only passable cartoons not being her or her husband's mark are generally based on themes and art styles imported from other countries. Frankly, America couldn't build a great cartoon without Lauren Faust; it's her name alone that brought me (and many others) to pony in the first place. It's her hard work that founded the ideal of a quality children's show that doesn't 'lower' itself to the level of a child as perceived by some stuffed suit who can't remember the last time he ever felt young (or female). Will children get the Big Lebowski ref's? Not all, probably not many; those children who do will appreciate it even more though. I know I as a child loved Pinky and The Brain/Animaniacs/Freakazoid because of the fact that they were intelligent shows that were full of obscure references I either understood (and my friends didn't) or I could look up later at the Library.

My only concern personally with the well designed children's show that is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is that because it has drawn such a large crowd of adults who can appreciate the humor and quality of the show more then your average child is that we bronies may end up eclipsing the intended market, altering to too great a degree the show's course enough to make it no longer palatable to children, destroying what we originally fell in love with in the first place.

Well that's my two bits and wall of text. Sorry.

#4906 Applejack


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 05:40 AM

Alright, folks. I know the Discord song has already been posted in this thread, and the chords basically form Discord's theme song. However, each cover of "Discord" has a different style to it, and this one has landed on me as the best Discord cover that might owe itself to actually being Discord's theme song, fitting better with the existing themes of the show.


#4907 Samaritan


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:19 AM

Hon. Mechwarriors;

First, allow me to set a bit of mood music.

1. Part of the successful formula for kids shows is catering to the parent who will be purchasing the product, whether in the box office, or a cable subscription in the living room, the children's show will enjoy higher ratings if the child and the parent are entertained.

2. Like it or not, In the brick and mortar world news papers and magazines are written with an eighth grade reading proficiency in mind. The confident expectation that their subscribers will not be in possession of critical thinking skills is assumed. Given that most individuals don't receive any formal training in logic and so called higher mathematics such as "College Algebra" until they graduate high school, this is a safe assumption. Most people are deliberately steered away from the understanding of systems, and what little training they receive is usually confined to a profession such as computing, engineering, medicine, etc... State sponsored baby sitting known as public education produces uneducated children in adult bodies.

3. There are many many infuriated PHDs who have written on the travesty that is the deliberate abuse of the public with the deceptive marketing programs embedded in TV and movie programming. You can begin you own search here:


These tools are willfull abuses and extend to the political realm as well as can be seen in this report:


4. The vast majority of offerings produced for Cable TV and the box office comprise nothing more than an intellectual wasteland.
That's not my opinion, that is established industry cannon as can be seen here:


From time to time talented and successful writers, directors, producers and such have the privilege of producing something they really really want to do. Firefly and the movie Serenity by Joss Whedon is a good example of this. Lauren Faust has achieved this degree of success and artistic freedom as well. These types of well written, intelligent, uplifting shows get consistently cancelled. These shows are distinguished as art and labor's of loving excellence, yet they do not receive the patronage they deserve by the 5 or so corporations that own most of this market.

5. Michael Ross a famous and successful screen writer/producer once said in a speech "We learn best by that which entertains us" The man wrote All in the Family, The Jeffersons, Three's Company and much more... These are shows that he used as vehicles to mold society. Gene Roddenberry did the same thing with Star Trek. George Lucas began his career with THX 1138 and went on to produce the Star Wars series. Orson Wells gave us the psyop radio broadcast "War of the Worlds. Stanley Kubric brought us a 2001 A Space Odyssey. I mention these people and their works to make a critical point. The 21st century Bard is a powerful mechanism for influencing people. Hitler once quipped that he did not care what his detractor's thought because he controlled what their children were taught.

6. If the most powerful men in the world considered the thinking of children important. If the major media companies of the world have been concentrated and monopolized for the express purpose of wielding this influence in a handfull of companies. If the bulk of state sponsored education is directed towards producing the dependent child in an adults body, then what makes you think that children's programing would be excluded from their social engineering? In the MLP FIM show written by Lauren Faust we have, as Jade Kitsune and others have pointed out a well written, self conscious attempt to educate and better children produced in a manner that has been well received by adults far outside the targeted marketing niche. The quality of writing, and the respect for the audience in depicting the MLP FIM show as they have is outside the norm for a lot of prime time programming, let alone a kids show. Joss Whedon did the same thing for the Firefly series and asked significant questions of a society on the cusp of a trans-human singularity.... "How much of our humanity will we give up for a world without sin?" The Firefly series was written for adults, but kidds grok the thing quit well.

Is My Little Pony Friendship is Magic a childrens cartoon? Yes. Has it transcended that demographic through excellant writting? Yes. If you are an Oligarch in the business of molding society into one of dependance for your own benefit, might you and one of your altruistic Bards come to blows over the influence produced by the show? Yes. For me, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I do not find the concept of the Devil's World exercising Tavistokian influence over the citizens of the world in this deceptive manner to be a hard sell. As His Majesty the Devil is intent on achieving his aims with as much good as is consistent with wining the Angelic Conflict, there are bound to be times when his stated policies and his actual intents clash in the thinking of his altruistic and imperfectly good and moral servants. Condemned Angels of Light and their moral and immoral degenerate human agents have more than they can handle in administering the affairs of this world. The ends justify the means in the increasingly despairing thoughts of these crusaders. The MLP FIM show in my opinion is a moral, pro personal responsibility, pro marriage, pro family, pro soveriegn nation oriented good story for kids of all ages set in a Tavistokian Jedi Mind Trick medium. The argument between the writers and the owners of the show over the effects the show is having on it's audience seem to be the natural outcome of material existentialists possessing differing views in the Higelian Dialectic. Both sides want better people, but "better" is enlightened to one and dependent to the other.

Thank you for your time in considering this essay on the subject of MLP FIM genre niche and purpose. Ah'm not writing a term paper, thesis, or dissertation, so if y'all want the footnotes and a more rigorous defense of my notions PM me and I shall endeavor to serve ye well. Writing this was fun for me and I hope reading it was fun for you. If I have offended any sensibilities feel free to PM me as well, and I will listen and learn.

Ah'm sure Fluttershy will happily do the honors if I have failed to dissuade you from your ire.

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Edited by Samaritan, 05 July 2012 - 07:39 AM.

#4908 Aresye


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:31 AM

Fallout Equestria isn't a clopfic, sillies.

Just because there's a few segments that go into detail doesn't automatically make something a clopfic.

That would be like saying the Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) is erotic fiction instead of fantasy.

You gotta look at the overall purpose of the book. Is Fallout Equestria's only purpose to be erotic fanfiction? Or perhaps it adds in elements of erotic situations because that's what nearly every big epic fantasy books do?

There's no way the author added those parts because they wanted to bring characters closer together, or to give it more of a quality that we humans can relate to so the struggles the characters endure later has more of an emotional impact on us, the reader.

Not at all. Clearly the author was just hot and bothered, and wanted to create a 605k word story for the sole purpose of getting people off.

Sheesh, if you call this a clopfic, then you clearly haven't read clopfics. And yes, I have stumbled across segments of clopfics across the internet and skimmed over them to see what the deal is. Not a fan personally, but for those that enjoy those, good on them.

Calling Fallout Equestria a clopfic though is an insult to the author, who spent quite a long time creating what is pretty much known as one of the best fanfiction stories ever written.

Souske: I wouldn't worry about the show catering to the older fanbase. They themselves have said in the past, "If it's not broke, don't fix it," meaning the show isn't going to risk straying away from the light-hearted fun for something that's different. Many fans watch the show because of its light-hearted nature, and the creators know if they stray away from that, they'd lose a lot of their fanbase, both in the older adults, and younger kids.

Edited by Aresye, 05 July 2012 - 07:32 AM.

#4909 CMDR Sunset Shimmer


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:46 AM

Is this childrens fiction? Yes.

Does that mean it's written by Children: No.

Since it's written by adults, is there a likelyhood there will be references to adult media, and things that adults think about: Yes.

We've seen references to Peppy Le Pew, various other Loony toons, Doctor Who [which the creator's have basically stated Doctor Whooves is canon at this point] The Big Lebowski, Indiana Jones [one could argue Tomb Raider, but Indy came first obviously] The Blue Angels [which is all the Wonderbolts are]


A list of references that MLP:FiM has made...

#4910 Proxus571


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 07:56 AM

View PostJade Kitsune, on 05 July 2012 - 07:46 AM, said:

Is this childrens fiction? Yes.

Does that mean it's written by Children: No.

Since it's written by adults, is there a likelyhood there will be references to adult media, and things that adults think about: Yes.

We've seen references to Peppy Le Pew, various other Loony toons, Doctor Who [which the creator's have basically stated Doctor Whooves is canon at this point] The Big Lebowski, Indiana Jones [one could argue Tomb Raider, but Indy came first obviously] The Blue Angels [which is all the Wonderbolts are]


A list of references that MLP:FiM has made...

I guess a better point would be, why does it being targeted towards children necessarily make it a bad thing for adults to like it? Because that's how I feel every time some pony says it. "Oh haha you silly clowns who love your Children's show"...

Yeah well so what? Some of the best movies I've seen are children's movies. (See: Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, Brave(lol Pixar much...))

Why is it such a bad things for adults to want to smile and be entertained by something other than explosions and gore? Do those have their place and satiate our human lust for violence? sure... but why is it so offensive to be entertained by other things?

[Editing to add more replies]

View PostApplejack, on 05 July 2012 - 05:40 AM, said:

Alright, folks. I know the Discord song has already been posted in this thread, and the chords basically form Discord's theme song. However, each cover of "Discord" has a different style to it, and this one has landed on me as the best Discord cover that might owe itself to actually being Discord's theme song, fitting better with the existing themes of the show.


Awesome find lol, I already shared it with everyone i know! AJ is best pony!.

View PostSamaritan, on 05 July 2012 - 07:19 AM, said:

<Lots o' Words>(Snipped for eye crit protection)


While I agree with some of what you said, I think instead you may want to consider that Lauren Faust is actually Queen Chrysalis. She has created a massive pool of love and tolerance on which to feed herself off of and done so intelligently enough to not risk being ousted.

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Edited by Proxus571, 05 July 2012 - 08:12 AM.

#4911 Karuik


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 08:22 AM

View PostApplejack, on 05 July 2012 - 05:40 AM, said:

....the best Discord cover that might owe itself to actually being Discord's theme song, fitting better with the existing themes of the show.



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#4912 Samaritan


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 08:29 AM


Chrysalis and Lauren have been bound in a Faustian bargain!?!

LOL, that was a great great insight Proxus571 :)

Posted ImagePosted Image

Derpfully and Concisely For Once :(


#4913 Adora


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 09:24 AM

Posted Image

I don't think I've seen this one posted here yet, not mine but i figured it couldn't hurt to pass it around here.
links to the artist's deviantart and, a image of the voice actor wearing a shirt of this design

#4914 Sesambrot


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 09:30 AM

View PostAresye, on 05 July 2012 - 07:31 AM, said:

Fallout Equestria isn't a clopfic, sillies.

Just because there's a few segments that go into detail doesn't automatically make something a clopfic.

That would be like saying the Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones) is erotic fiction instead of fantasy.

You gotta look at the overall purpose of the book. Is Fallout Equestria's only purpose to be erotic fanfiction? Or perhaps it adds in elements of erotic situations because that's what nearly every big epic fantasy books do?

There's no way the author added those parts because they wanted to bring characters closer together, or to give it more of a quality that we humans can relate to so the struggles the characters endure later has more of an emotional impact on us, the reader.

Not at all. Clearly the author was just hot and bothered, and wanted to create a 605k word story for the sole purpose of getting people off.

Sheesh, if you call this a clopfic, then you clearly haven't read clopfics. And yes, I have stumbled across segments of clopfics across the internet and skimmed over them to see what the deal is. Not a fan personally, but for those that enjoy those, good on them.

Calling Fallout Equestria a clopfic though is an insult to the author, who spent quite a long time creating what is pretty much known as one of the best fanfiction stories ever written.

Souske: I wouldn't worry about the show catering to the older fanbase. They themselves have said in the past, "If it's not broke, don't fix it," meaning the show isn't going to risk straying away from the light-hearted fun for something that's different. Many fans watch the show because of its light-hearted nature, and the creators know if they stray away from that, they'd lose a lot of their fanbase, both in the older adults, and younger kids.

I was actually about to ask what defines a clopfic.
Serious question, because I have only caught a glimpse of them before turning my back in disgust.
It's not so much the subject itself, but the subject coupled with, what's still a kids-show that makes me cringe.

Sex is part or all our lives, especially since one can assume that most people in this topic have made at least some experiences on the matter. Denying one's sexuality, is denying to be alive if you ask me.
That said though, there's a certain difference between sexuality and lust, which is supposed to be one of the seven deadly sins, but I'm no religious person and I don't wanna sound like Samaritan, so let's leave it at that... (No offense pal!)
My point is, the pieces of clopfic I exposed myself to, could basically be described as pony-p**n, which I find kind of disturbing actually.

About Sex in Fanfics;
What about it? I've read a few fantasy-novels where it was made abundantly that some characters had sex, but I wouldn't label them as **** because of that.
I can't help to think, that some people are a little oversensitive when it comes to that subject in general, feels like they're trying to "protect" (their) kids from it a little too hard...

BTW Aresye, thanks for the hint about the pen-tool!
It's helping me a great deal with creating a cutiemark, and doing that is actually a perfect exercise... ^^

Edited by Sesambrot, 05 July 2012 - 09:32 AM.

#4915 Sikreci


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 10:26 AM

View PostSesambrot, on 05 July 2012 - 09:30 AM, said:

About Sex in Fanfics;
What about it? I've read a few fantasy-novels where it was made abundantly that some characters had sex, but I wouldn't label them as **** because of that.

The difference is that fantasy novels are original stories with original (usually human) characters. Fanfics (especially MLP fanfics with sex/gore/violence/etc.) take existing characters within an existing universe and project wildly out-of-character and out-of-universe stuff onto them for no good reason at all. And you know what, if people have a fetish for cartoon ponies that's fine, I wish they'd just keep it to themselves and communities specifically geared for that sort of thing (4chan, reddit, etc.).

The furry community learned this lesson a long time ago. You don't see them popping up in every single discussion on the internet about talking animals in kids media trying to discuss who's having sex with who. All it accomplishes is turning possible fans away and giving the community a bad name. Emphasis on the latter. I have a few friends that might otherwise be interested in the show, but don't want to even give it a shot because even on YouTube this kind of junk is so pervasive there's just no escape from it.

That's why I hate to see this thread go in that direction. All it does is alienates curious people, potential fans, and fans like me who aren't into the sex/gore/violence fanfics, until it eventually just turns into a crappy circle-jerk about grimdark clopfics amongst the few remaining posters that have the stomach for it.

#4916 Aresye


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:05 AM

Believe me, when it comes to perception within the community, I'm constantly keeping my eye out for several of these things, but here's where you need to take the leap when it comes to introducing new people to the show.

Clopfics, grimdark material, and r34 material is going to exist, regardless of what we do. As of right now though, our sites are pretty well designed to keep unwanted eyes away from it.

- Equestria Daily does not post r34 and/or clopfics. Some people think saucy is r34, or ship fics are clopfics, however any stories with shipping are labeled as such, and any saucy images are put under a warning link.
- Derpibooru has a good content filter and you can add or remove tags to filter out. By default, questionable is hidden behind a warning picture, and explicit is not shown at all.
- Google Images has safe search.
- Deviant Art has mature free browsing.

I'm not a stranger to the internet, so most of these sites I usually browse without filters because a few times in the past an image I'm looking for was caught by a filter despite not needing one to begin with. Despite no filters though, the mature content is not as in your face as you think, with the majority of images and fiction being 100% safe.

YouTube doesn't really have a content filter, but considering explicit material is banned, I'm wondering what movies you're worried about your friends stumbling across? I've seen a lot of, "WHYYYYYY????" type videos, but nothing that's over the top horrible and/or explicit.

To sum it up, it's the internet. If you try your best to avoid any kind of adult material, you can do it, but you must be able to accept the fact that you're occasionally going to stumble across it, whether you want to or not.

Remember when EqD had the thumb down option for comments? Pretty much any saucy and/or grimdark comments were completely bombed into the negative numbers, which means the majority of the community doesn't like that material being posted on EqD.

As for adult themed fanfiction (violence, gore, blood, sex, etc), remember this is a community of lots of older teenagers and adults. All these subjects are usually included for the sole purpose of enhancing the story, vs some sick kind of desperation to ruin innocent material. Sure, there's some grimdark fics that are meant for shock value (ex. Cupcakes), but I've read some very good fics that include adult themes, and that helps me connect to the story better.

Some good fics to check out:
- The Eversleep
- The Dread Chitin

Both of those include violence, gore, blood, minor sexual themes, and so on. They are also a couple of the best fanfiction stories I've read.

I could get into a whole big discussion on the philosophy behind clopping/fetishes/etc, but I'll avoid the long winded approach, and just sum up my closing statement on the matter:

Some of the best artists in the community do r34 images, some of the best musicians post r34 on their tumblr, and some of the most respectable bronies I've met both online, and at the recent BronyCon, are self-admitted cloppers. There isn't much scientific fact behind fetishes, or sexual deviancy, but none of the people I met were awkward in real life, had absolutely no issues with social interaction, and were just like your normal, everyday buddies.

Your best friend could have some really off-the-wall fetish, but you'd likely never know. There's only a select few members in the community that don't have any restraint when it comes to admitting it, but like I said earlier, they're generally shunned by the community not for their liking of that material, but their vocal opinions on the matter.

TL:DR: Stop focusing on negative aspects of the community, and you'll realize it's a much smaller problem than you think.

Edited by Aresye, 05 July 2012 - 11:07 AM.

#4917 wanderer


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:19 AM

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#4918 Sikreci


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:31 AM

View PostAresye, on 05 July 2012 - 11:05 AM, said:


A lot of the community sites do have some decent content filters, but unfortunately this thread doesn't have a content filter. There have been posts in here linking to straight up pony p***, and a lot of people who are unfamiliar with the show and the fandom click a link like that, and that's their introduction to MLP. Not to mention the discussions/images about shipping/sexuality that I still say are inappropriate.

I mean, I hate to look like I'm picking on Jade Kitsune, but if someone who's never seen the show pops into the thread and sees a several paragraph post about why Rainbow Dash is a lesbian, chances are they're just going to assume all bronies are like that, close the tab, and never return. Is that really the first impression you want to leave people with?

That's what I wish more bronies would actually think about before posting in public places like this. You're representing the entire community, a community that for the most part just enjoys the show for what it is. Unfortunately, if you just go browsing around YouTube and threads like this, you'd think the brony community was all about gory, cloppy, etc. fanfics rather than enjoying the show for its own sake.

Anyway, here's some humanized ponies. Pinkie Pie and Derpy, PFFs.
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Edited by Jace Nevada, 05 July 2012 - 11:33 AM.

#4919 Sesambrot


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 11:32 AM

View PostJace Nevada, on 05 July 2012 - 10:26 AM, said:

The difference is that fantasy novels are original stories with original (usually human) characters. Fanfics (especially MLP fanfics with sex/gore/violence/etc.) take existing characters within an existing universe and project wildly out-of-character and out-of-universe stuff onto them for no good reason at all. And you know what, if people have a fetish for cartoon ponies that's fine, I wish they'd just keep it to themselves and communities specifically geared for that sort of thing (4chan, reddit, etc.).

The furry community learned this lesson a long time ago. You don't see them popping up in every single discussion on the internet about talking animals in kids media trying to discuss who's having sex with who. All it accomplishes is turning possible fans away and giving the community a bad name. Emphasis on the latter. I have a few friends that might otherwise be interested in the show, but don't want to even give it a shot because even on YouTube this kind of junk is so pervasive there's just no escape from it.

That's why I hate to see this thread go in that direction. All it does is alienates curious people, potential fans, and fans like me who aren't into the sex/gore/violence fanfics, until it eventually just turns into a crappy circle-jerk about grimdark clopfics amongst the few remaining posters that have the stomach for it.

Just to clarify, I haven't read any fanfics yet... ...at all!
I was under the impression that FOE relied mostly upon OCs created by the author...
I agree that taking the existing characters, and modifying their personality to suite your stories needs is a cheap move, when there are plenty other ways to put the story into that universe. I mean, if you really have to or want to use the characters from the show, just use them as a random "character", the protagonist may or may not interact with. However, if this is needed to set the story into Equestria, then you're doing something wrong! A decent author shouldn't have to use such obvious connections in order to create a story in an existing universe!
I for one would prefer such stories not to include any of the main characters in general, as their stories are already being told, and their personalities and motives have long been established. Now, if I were to write a fanfic myself, I'd rather create each and every character, that needs a unique/new personality, myself. First of all, due to the reactions possible readers may have, but secondly, and equally important, I can actually claim that I created them myself!
It's just a cheap move to take a character that is already being liked, and then altering it to your hearts content, just to draw in the one's who are already fans of the original, rather than creating your own likable character, that does not rely on the "shell" of another.

However, there is nothing wrong with fanfics in general, and sex in those would only strike me as weird if it actually included the main cast.
May sound strange, but again, their stories are already being told, and even slightly altering them to force them into your story should actually be a no-go. If you need your character to do something one of the originals would normally not do, create a completely new one, and shape this blank sheet to your needs.
As for sex in fanfics in general; even if the universe isn't original to the story, and even if it actually includes the main cast, it cannot simply be labeled as, what is basically p**n...

On that note;
Hands up everyone who never watches **** of any sort!
*looks around* Ha, what a surprise... ;)
I dunno how people get the idea to base **** off of a kids-show, or why people would like that kind of stuff, but... well, to each his own...
... as long as they don't come to places like this, forcing it on others who don't want anything to do with it...

That said, I've not seen anyone do this in here! The subject was brought up, but no such content was posted.

As for discussing RDs sexuality, I know you didn't like that much, but we're a mature community, especially on the MWO-boards, so we should be allowed to have mature, reasonable discussions.
I actually don't like people interpreting too much sexuality into the main-characters, because no matter how you see it, they were not created with that subject in mind. What is interesting about this though is, that there are scenes in the episodes, that obviously can be interpreted as hints in that direction. As I was trying to point out though, that being a valid interpretation, it's just one of many ways to look at it, and pretty much all of it can also be explained without involving sexuality.
In fact, there are two different opinions that, became the basis for this discussion, which was interesting even if it turned out to be dependent on your point of view, or which one you prefer, so that in the end, we might only be able to agree that we disagree.

If the mere existence of such discussions where both sides make valid points, is what keeps people off giving the show a try, it was probably not going to be to their liking in the first place, because the normal reaction would be curiosity to what all the fuzz is about.
Granted, you'll need to be open minded enough to give the show a chance in the first place...

EDIT: I decided to post this before yet another-one finished his post before I finished this one...

About the post you made right above:
Again, I have never seen any clopping-material being posted here... well, there's the gory stuff, but only if it was asked for, and it was only linked (no pics), and never without context.

As for "picking" on Jade;
those huge posts where part of a discussion she had with me (and basically everyone who cared to join)...
Without wanting to sound arrogant, but I'm certain, I brought up just as many, just as valid points as Jade, to show that pretty much all she said can also be seen differently.
I'm not asking to be credited for that, but anyone coming in here looking at these posts out of context, despite being an obvious reply to previous posts in the discussion, probably did that on purpose.

Edited by Sesambrot, 05 July 2012 - 11:41 AM.

#4920 Sikreci


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 12:00 PM

View PostSesambrot, on 05 July 2012 - 11:32 AM, said:

It's just a cheap move to take a character that is already being liked, and then altering it to your hearts content, just to draw in the one's who are already fans of the original, rather than creating your own likable character, that does not rely on the "shell" of another.

However, there is nothing wrong with fanfics in general, and sex in those would only strike me as weird if it actually included the main cast.
May sound strange, but again, their stories are already being told, and even slightly altering them to force them into your story should actually be a no-go. If you need your character to do something one of the originals would normally not do, create a completely new one, and shape this blank sheet to your needs.

I dunno how people get the idea to base **** off of a kids-show, or why people would like that kind of stuff, but... well, to each his own...
... as long as they don't come to places like this, forcing it on others who don't want anything to do with it...

That said, I've not seen anyone do this in here! The subject was brought up, but no such content was posted.

I'm glad we're mostly on the same page here, at least. There have, however, been PG-rated shipping images posted here which as far as I'm concerned is still crossing the line of altering the main cast to force them into a story, as is discussing the sexuality of characters that, as far as the canon is concerned, may as well have none at all (if there's ever an episode about RD being a lesbian, I'll concede the argument, but until that day...). I don't remember where it was now, but somewhere earlier in the thread someone linked to a tumblr containing some serious r34 stuff. It may have even been deleted now but stuff like that shouldn't be getting posted in the first place.

Edited by Jace Nevada, 05 July 2012 - 12:02 PM.

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