CandidAstrius, on 06 July 2012 - 05:13 AM, said:
oh, like the whole Lyra and Bon bon thing...That's MUCH less frightening then rule 34...
Basically Lyra/Bon Bon is assumed to be canon due to how often they are seen in the series getting together for shopping, or even meeting one another on Hearts and Hooves day.
Shipping is in it's most basic, simply pairing two characters, [though shipping is USUALLY used in relation to same sex couplings.] So Breaburn/Big Mac would be shipping. Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie is shipping.
Some ships make more sense than others... for instance Rainbow Dash/Twilight Sparkle to me doesn't make much sense, where as Rainbow Dash/Gilda makes TONS of sense. [though the amount of Dash/Twilight art out there shocks me.]
Then there's crack pairings. RarityxTom [the rock from the discord episodes] Pinkie Pie X Gummy... stuff like that that makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. Some times these things are done just because they haven't been done before, other people see it as a challenge to make the pairing work, others still, do it just to **** off others in the fanbase.

Here have some wedding Applejack, because AJ is best poni.

Edited by Jade Kitsune, 06 July 2012 - 06:06 AM.