Jade Kitsune, on 19 November 2012 - 08:43 PM, said:
The thing is, this totally fits with Twilight Sparkle's Autistic following of the rules. to her those other Pinkie's aren't real people, they're clones, only the "real" pinky is real to her, because that fits within the confines of what she's defined as her world.
Is it still screwed up. HORRIBLY... but it's totally in character for Twilight.
In fact the first two episodes was Celestia trying to break Twilight of her Autistic following of the rules "to the letter."
I would posit that Twilight has a better understanding of the subtleties of the magic involved here than we probably could understand (being the element of magic, magical laws specific to Equestria, etc.), and can therefore make a rational statement as to why or why not the Pinkie clones aren't truly "real".
But that's just kinda a boring cop-out, so I'm gonna go with my theory on the matter. I think that the Mirror Pond doesn't create a clone so much as a "snapshot" or simple reflection of the individual - a copy of the surface of the pony in question that lacks the true heart and mind behind the real pony (or, the depth of the character's personality). So, with the Pinkie's we got the fun obsession, but with a total disregard for others and a lack of any sort of long-term thinking. As such, they weren't so much ponies or clones as they were magical automaton - like golems designed with one goal in mind, the total and complete acquisition of fun.