Hon. SNobleJr;
Warnings about Homosexual content are the norm. There have been times when to practice it was to be subject to capital punishiment. There are large portions of the world where you can still get into serious trouble for the practice today.
I consider it to be a sin for example, and since all such sins acrue to the accounts of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross 2000 or so years ago I avoid it. But as sins go, there are much worse sins. Take gossip, or judging another for their transgressions, now these things are not to be tolerated at all. Sexual orientation as a system of weakness from the genetically programed sin nature is hardly the worst temptation a person could be subject to. Heterosexual adultery was a capital offence too you know, and pound for pound a far more difficult problem for society.
In any case it is polite to recognize that, generally speaking, humanity is pretty skittish and crazy around the subject of sex period; and thus strong social taboos arise in various cultures in defining the protocals in which all manner of carnal activity is deemed good or bad. Oh and anther thing, for God's sake don't let anyone tempt you into a guilt trip for any of this stuff, straight, bi, or whatever... self righteous judgement of another's sin will send you to God's woodshed faster than just about anything, and guilt is the sin that keeps on giving and is thus considered right up at the top of things not to do.
Consenting adults behind closed doors and all that is the principal behind warning people up front on subjects such as these, I just wish we had the same sort of social rules for Gabby Gums behavior as well, but Moral Degenerarse-y is a big ol blind spot in todays world.
Hope this helps.
Pony Script: I just now groked the cutie marks on the arguing couple who got zaped by Princes Cadence's love spell. The Stallion has three 4 leaf clovers and has thus gotten lucky, the mare has a nut and bolt and has thus been.... Carnal relations without love are empty and meaningless and so the wicked princess intervened with her "love" spell... Lauren Faust is an evil genius.
Edited by Samaritan, 07 July 2012 - 05:04 PM.