Furmansky, on 10 February 2013 - 05:27 AM, said:
Now you are making assumptions... again.
I Liked the old system cause, not as you say I benefited from premium or 4 free mechs, I liked it cause I did create cost efficient and effective mechs without putting uber hardware in them. I havent used premium since it run out, and was using mostly non founder mechs, that didn't stopped me to play the game and or having fun. We had tons of mediums on the field before, and I was running hunchies like hell. So I was playing it without any premium or founder bonuses... Yes as we all said RNR was broken and should be improved, but not through removing it. You saying something about facts and metrics. OK SHOW ME THEM, I would love to see them, as a beta tester I am open minded show the facts to me and we talk. Now before you start to accuse me of not thinking beyond my experience I would ask that actually you should do that, cause as I and many others said many times there was plenty of solutions with RNR still in place, and with much better experience for us RNR guys and those who didn't like it. And your right the change wasn't aimed at me, it was aimed at you thats why it makes perfect sense for you. We can argue as much about it as you want but the fact is, you can't claim this is better for the game more than me claiming this was bad for the game.
Wow I extra logged in to reply to this
The metrics are not viewable for us, only the devs
But I think you should trust them on this, cuz:
I guess they figured out that most users went with having the free 75% RnR
I know I put just an extra ton of ammo in my mechs and got my ammo for free (jeez, those artemis lrm's are expensive), so basically i couldnt care less about RnR
I think there was a post back in the day, asking users if they actually bother paying for ammo (most only repaired armor), but dont remember the poll
we dont have suicide farmers any more (running in a stripped down commando with next to no armor right into enemy)
and we had loads more dissconects than these days (at least for me, cant say for anyone else realy)
RnR was in no way a proper method to discourage farmers, we tried that already
Also more noobs means more new players, just need to balance the matchmaker for fairer gameplay (what has been suggested trillions of times in an infinite number of rage posts), not kick out new customers
Matchmaker balance is coming, or this game will die sooner or later
cuz I dont see the best players/premades/clans spending hundreds of dollers each every month on nothing to buy, just so they can keep playing against old faces